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1930s- was involved in

pacifist groups and early

civil rights protests

March 17, 1912- Born in

West Chester,

1953- arrested on a
morals charge for
publicly engaging in
homosexual activity,
sent to jail for 60 days
but continued to live as
an openly gay man

1947- took part in

protests against the
segregated public transit
system and got arrested
in North Carolina

1956- assisted King

with the boycott of
segregated buses in
Montgomery, Alabama

1958- played an
important role in
coordinating a march
for human rights
protests in
Aldermaston, England

August 28, 1963- was

a key figure in the
organization of the
March on Washington
for Jobs and Freedom

1976- Another collection of

his writings Strategies for
Freedom was published

1971- His writings about

civil rights were published
in the collection Down the

August 24, 1987Died in New York


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