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LK Englisch Pflüger Q1 29.09.


Martin Luther King Jr.

Early Life
- born January 1929 in Atlanta
- from a line of ministers
- School: Booker T. Washington High School
- entered college at the age of 15
- married 1953 Correta Scott
- had 4 children

What was the African-American Civil Rights Movement?

- lasted mainly from 1954-1968
- iconic movement
- to eliminate the racial segregation
- establishment of new laws
- Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965

How he got involved

- joined Bus Boycott in 1955
- was made president of the Montgomery Improvement Association
- removed racial segregation of buses 1956

His Contribution
- in 1957 elected president of the SCLC
- influenced by many characters as Mahatma Ghandi
- produced 5 books
- over 2500 speeches

The Difficulties he faced:

- fined large sums of money
- was arrested 30 times
- his house was bombed
- 3 assassination attempts
- stabbed during book signing in 1958

His speech „I have a Dream“

- speech on 28th August 1963
- convince the society to support the Civil Rights Movement
- highlights the struggles the African-Americans
- dream of an egalitarian society
- he inspired thousands to follow the Civil Rights Movement

Behrus Rahmany, Pascal Schleger

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