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Mechanical Pancreas

Sarah, Dani P. and Bri

Why is the Pancreas Important?

Main function is to produce insulin
The pancreas does not produce insulin in
a type one diabetic.
The lack of insulin forces them to
constantly monitor their blood glucose
Leads to constant monitoring and food

Why a Mechanical Pancreas?

Pancreas transplants are available, although
a donor is necessary and there is often a
long waiting list.
They can be implanted in a child and
replaced as growth or deterioration occurs.
Removes the hinderance of blood
monitoring and insulin injections.
Allows diabetics to live a normal life.

How it Works
Has an internal blood sugar monitor.
Is able to automatically administer the
correct amount of insulin.
Performs all processes that a healthy
pancreas does.

Fundraising run/walks

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