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Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:

Open Office Calc is used for analysing large data

Navigation short-cut keys are used to quickly navigate the Calc file.
Navigation menu options such as Freeze and Split are used to affectively
view large data.

Provide a name to a sheet or a range of cells for ease of use

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Follow naming rules while naming a range

Add, modify or delete a range using the Names option under the Insert
Display the entire contents of a row, column or cell by double-clicking on the
divider line .

Insert or delete rows and columns based on your requirements.

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Hide or Show a column or a row.

Merge and Wrap cells to display its entire content.

Insert, Duplicate, Copy or Move a sheet within a workbook or to a new

Add, show and delete a comment from a cell.

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Find and Replace feature will search an entire spreadsheet or selected cells
for the specified text.
When a formula or function is copy pasted to other cells, the cell references
in the formula or function change to reflect the new location, this is Relative
cell reference.
A cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells in the

Finding and replacing can be refined by using specific search criteria

available under More options.

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
In a formula, if some variables are to be kept constant then the Absolute
cell reference is used.
Copy-and-paste refers to the popular, simple method of reproducing text or
other data from a source to a destination.

Shortcut keys to copy data in a cell to other is Ctrl+C and the shortcut key
to paste data already copied is Ctrl+V.

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Paste Special is a feature that gives you more control of how the content is
displayed or functions when pasted from the clipboard.

Formulas use operators such as +, -, * and /. Functions are pre-set formats

that performs calculations.

Mathematical functions are used to perform tasks such as SUM, SUMIF,

Statistical functions are used to find the minimum, maximum or average of
the data

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Array functions consists of SUMPRODUCT and FREQUENCY.
Financial functions is used to build amortization table using PMT function.

Logical functions If and nested if are used to do condition based analysis.

Spreadsheet function Vlookup is used to fetch information from multiple

Text functions are used to format the text fields.

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Sort is used to sort data in either ascending or descending order

View relevant data based on single or multiple criteria by using AutoFilter or

Standard Filter
Data Pilot is renamed as pivot table. Data Pilot is used to create summary
reports. You can arrange and rearrange large amounts of data to create
different summary reports

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Protect the data in a Calc spreadsheet and a workbook to ensure data
Protect data using a password to ensure that only people who have
password can open the file.
Export a Calc file as a PDF file and protect it using a password

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Subtotal utility of OpenOffice Calc is used to calculate the subtotal of the
selected range of cells
Goal Seek utility is used to arrive at the targeted value by changing the
variable value.

Scenarios are used to assess different options to identify the best option

Here is a recap of what you learnt in this module:
Validate utility is used to create rules that restricts the data that can be
entered in the cell
Text to Column utility is used to move the data from one cell to multiple
columns in a row
Daily product method is used to calculate the interest and MAB

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