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Chapter 8:

The Road to War


What you will need

1 White board, marker, and
eraser per group

Your social studies textbook

open to P. 268

The Rules
Each person will have a turn writing
on the white board for their group.

A number will be assigned to each


The first TWO groups with the

correct answers will receive Lego

Because the American
colonists benefited from the
protection of British
soldiers, the British decided
to ______ the colonists.

Because the American colonists

benefited from the protection of
British soldiers, the British
decided to tax the colonists.

What was the Stamp Act?
Name two items that
would be taxed under this

The Stamp Act placed a tax on

printed material. When colonists
bought these items, they had to
also purchase a stamp and put it
on the item to show they paid
the tax.

Legal documents, newspapers,

playing cards, letters

_____________s speech
spoke out against the
Stamp Act which also
inspired the colonists to
protest the new tax.

Patrick Henrys speech spoke

out against the Stamp Act which
also inspired the colonists to
protest the new tax.

The ______________ were a
group that led protests
against the Stamp Act.

The Sons of Liberty were a

group that led protests against
the Stamp Act.

What caused British
Soldiers to fire at the
colonists during the
Boston Massacre?

Colonists were protesting

against the British, which made
the British panic and fire into
the crowd.

Summarize the Boston Tea
Party in two sentences.

Colonists did not like the idea of

paying the tea tax and they
didnt like that they could only
buy tea from one company. The
sons of liberty protested by
dumping the British tea into the
Boston harbor.

The _____________ Acts were
punishments that the British gave
the colonists for dumping the tea.
1. Colonists had to house British
soldiers again.
2. Boston was put under the
control of _______________.
3. The port of Boston was now

The Intolerable Acts were

punishments that the British gave
the colonists for dumping the tea.

Colonists had to house British

soldiers again.

Boston was put under the control

of Thomas Gage.

The port of Boston was now




What was Paul Reveres
reason for riding through
different towns?

Reveres reason was to warn

colonists of the British plan to
go to Concord to destroy
colonists military supplies.

During what battles did

the shot heard round the
world happen?

The Battle of Lexington

A war where Americans

fought for independence
is the _____________

American Revolution

What were the results of

the first three battles in
the American Revolution?

Battle of Lexington-won by British

Battle of Concord-won by Colonists
Battle of Bunker Hill-won by British

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