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The Fundamentals of PlaidAcademy

1) We aim to bridge the gap between the religious and secular community by building on a
common interest: making the world better. We believe this goal is the foundation for both a
healthy church and a healthy personal life.
2) We aim to give youth, in particular, proper station in church and community such that
they learn to take responsibility and are able to affect the world as they desire. We believe
that youth who are empowered to lead now will be thoughtful, confident leaders of the
3) We aim to equip youth with tools - rather than knowledge - that can be used to forge the
path they choose. We believe this is the most culturally effective evangelism and personal
development strategy available.
4) We aim to provide programs that are fresh, interesting, and of high quality. We believe
extra-curricular activities are key to promoting self-confidence, developing new skills,
fostering passionate creative thinking, and building character.
5) We aim to operate our programs in the realm of the untried, untested, creative,
innovative, inspiring, cutting-edge, and dynamic. We believe that forward thinking is the
difference between irrelevance and life changing leadership in modern culture; that the
foundation of the church still holds its philosophical merit today but does not become
meaningful without proper regard for our social environment.
6) We aim to provide programs that are accessible to all walks of life. We believe that
financial and social accessibility is not done through stated goals, but through an outreach
perspective founded first in modern culture. We believe that the most successful outreach
starts in the community and reaches into to the church, not vice versa.
7) We aim to be a fluid program in a constant state of strategic re-evaluation, allowing us to
be consistently true to the needs of our members in an ever-changing cultural paradigm. We
believe that outreach and leadership development is not a matter of bringing people into the
structures we provide, but rather building our structure around the lives of others.
8) We aim to use what we have to do what we can. We believe that creativity and awareness
of environment is the key to achieving desired outcomes, not the necessary abundance of
resources; that efficiency is part of responsible stewardship.

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