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Chris Ybarra

Mrs. Mua
Period 3
Senior Portfolio

Transcript Reflection
My transcript ninth through twelfth grade was consistent each year. Each year I
would do well in most classes with an exception of one class that I was not fond of.
Usually it would be a science or math class that was troubling for me to overcome. I
believe that when I had to, I would rise up at the end of my year to get the grade I
needed. I believe I need to change that habit and I think I can in college because I get to
choose the classes that I think is important to my future field of work.
I think that each year, there was one or two classes that I could have gotten a
grade letter better in which could have risen my GPA for that semester. A way to fix that
would probably be to study more so higher test and quiz scores will rise your grade. I
can overcome these things because Im ready to start the next chapter in my life strong
and with not as many what ifs and only if.

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