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Polarization o f Electro-m agnetic wave (A ntennas, Kraus, page-44)

Let us consider that an electrom agnetic (EM ) w ave is propagating along z-axis through air.
There are tw o fields in this w ave; electric field and m agnetic field. The direction o f w ave
propagation can be explained w ith the help o f right-hand rule (see Fig. 1). I f electric field is
assum ed in x-axis and m agnetic field is assum ed in y -ax is, then the EM w ave will propagate
along z-axis.
Let us consider another case w here electric field is in - y axis and w ave propagation direction
rem ains sam e (i.e. along z-axis). I f the direction o f electric field is changed to - y direction, then
the direction o f m agnetic field m ust also be changed to x -a x is so that the w ave can propagate
along z -a x is (see Fig. 2).
Thus it is found that the direction o f electric field can be different by keeping the wave
propagation direction same. In electrom agnetism , the direction o f electric field o f an EM w ave is
called polarization sta te. In other w ords, polarization is used to describe the direction o f
electric field o f a propagating electrom agnetic wave. The w ave show n in Fig. 1 is called a n x polarized w ave and that show n in Fig. 2 will be called -^ -p o la riz e d w ave or sim ply ^ -p o larized

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Fig. 1 Electric field is in x-axis, m agnetic field is in_y-axis and w ave propagation is
in z-axis direction.

Fig. 2 E lectric field is in -_y-axis, m agnetic field is in x-axis and w ave propagation is
in z-axis direction.
G enerally polarization o f a propagating electrom agnetic w ave can be three types: (a) Linearly
polarized wave, (b) C ircularly polarized w ave, and (c) Elliptically polarized wave. A linearly
polarized w ave m eans that the direction o f electric field will rem ain fixed as the w ave propagates
through space w ith tim e (see Fig. 3(a)). But for circular and elliptical polarization, the direction
o f electric field w ill rotate w ith the propagation o f w aves (see Fig. 3(b)& (c)). By observing
Fig.3(a) it is found that the am plitudes o f electric and m agnetic fields are reduced at tim e t=50
sec from that o f t=0 sec. A s tim e passes, the directions o f electric and m agnetic fields will be in

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