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Shot List

1. Mid shot of wolf turning on his chair to face the camera

2. Mid shot from over the shoulder of wolf showing the chicken and
chimp standing awkwardly
3. Mid shot of wolf showing them a poorly made map of what he
wants which tells them to retrieve an item
4. Over the shoulder of chimp looking at the map
5. Mid shot of chimp and chicken agreeing and being up for the task
6. Mid shot of wolf shooing them out of the room
7. Cut to outside - Mid shot of chimp and chicken walking along
8. Wide shot of them getting into cars
9. Close up of ignition
10.Wide shot of chicken and chimp leaving in their cars
11.Close up of the car wheels driving past the camera
12.Close up of chimp driving
13.Establishing shots warped in post to fit the genre
14.Dashboard cam of cars overtaking each other
15.Mid shot from inside one car to the other showing us both at the
wheel (maybe driving off)
16.Close up of chimp lighting cigarette
17.Dashboard cam of cars driving
18.Long Shot of cars parking up and the two characters walking into it
19.Long Shot of chimp and chicken walking into an opening leading to
a field
20.Long Shot of chimp and chicken walking through the field
21.Long Shot both running towards the box theyve just discovered
22.Mid Shot of the chimp rushing to open the box with chicken
watching excitedly
23.Close up of characters looking in box
24.Shot #22 again but without the masks and the two exchanging a
look of achievement and high fiving
25.Long shot of them running off screen with the box
26. Fade to black

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