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Rope Drop Scriptment

Elise Truchan

Disclaimer: times and actions are subject to change based on events of that day

Scene 1- 9:30am Saturday morning

Shot 1
The sun has barely risen. Inside of the parking garage shows no cars and still air. The
only light sources are the fluorescent and a bit of sun peaking through the windows. Camera is
centered and torso level so that the concrete pillars are parallel to the sides of the frame. The
parking spot lines file down the center of the shot. Long shot of space.

Shot 2
In the parking garage. Angle shot from the corner of the garage looking out the window
at the street. Sunlight is more pronounced. The cars on the street begin to enter the garage. Long
shot of space.

Scene 2- 10:00am
Shot 3
When the staff begins to arrive. The camera is perpendicular to a row of parking places.
Cars begin to file into the parking lot carrying the staff who are dressed in their work clothes.
There is no emotion coming from them because they know what to expect from the day to come.
Long shot.

Scene 3- 10:30am
Shot 4
Stillness again as the time approaches for the guests to arrive. The camera is placed
facing the entry where the cars enter. The cars of the guests begin to file in and turn to find a
parking spot. Long shot.

Shot 5
The guests begin to exit their cars and prepare to go into the theme park. The camera
faces down the row of cars from an angle so that the people exiting the cars can be seen. The
children are tired from waking up early but stretch and get ready to go while the parents grab
their bags and take the children by the hand to lead them out of the garage. Long shot beginning
then cut to medium shots.

Scene 4- 10:55am
Shot 6
The guests walk out of the garage and find their way to the entrance to the park. The
camera is focused on the people on the sidewalk going toward the entrance but does not yet show
the place. The guests are looking up to the building and are taking in the place that they are
entering. Shots become faster now as the events of the day speed up. Long shot and medium

Shot 7
The feet of the passersby are captured as they are walking toward the entrance. Close up.

Shot 8
The guests are approaching the entrance. The camera is facing out toward the
approaching people still not showing where the people are headed. Long shot with close ups of

Shot 9
Images of the characters on the side of the building are shown to slowly reveal the place
that they are and what the people are looking at as they walk toward the entrance. A pan and tilt
of the characters from feet to face medium shot.

Scene 4- 11:00am Park Open

Shot 10
From behind the people entering the building tilt from feet to eye level slowly then still
timelapse of people entering the building. Long shot.

Shot 11
Close up of the doors of the building as they open then flash to white.

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