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Shot list

Name: Elise Truchan

Production Title: A Theory In Dissociation

Camera Movement
Shot No. Shot Name Scene No. Scene Location Lens Type Description of Action
1 close up 1 Mind 26mm pan up Veined arm to hand w/ knife
2 close up 1 Mind 26mm none turn head, eye opens
3 medium 2 Bed 26mm none lying in bed, open eyes, rub eyes, sit up
4 close up 2 Bathroom 26mm none brush teeth
5 close up 2 Room 26mm none brush hair
6 close up 2 Room 26mm none pull on shorts
7 close up 2 Room 26mm none pull on shirt
8 close up 2 Room 26mm none put on necklace
9 close up 2 Room 26mm none grab keys
10 close up 2 Room 26mm none pull on shoe
11 medium 2 Room 26mm none pull door shut
12 close up 3 mind 26mm pan up Veined arm to hand w/ knife
13 close up 3 mind 26mm pan right fae ears to lips
14 close up 3 mind 26mm pan left knife pulls across cheek
15 close up 3 mind 26mm none lips smiling
16 long shot 4 Room 26mm none sit up in bed as lightening flashes
17 close up 4 bed 13mm none lightening flashes on face
18 close up 5 desk 26mm none hand shuffles over desk to turn off Ipad alarm
19 medium 5 bed 26mm none throws back covers, feet over side of bed, stands up
20 close up 5 Room 26mm none pulls on leggings
21 close up 5 Room 26mm none pulls on loose shirt
22 close up 5 Room 26mm none puts hair into pony tail
23 close up 5 doorway 26mm none slips on sandals and walks outdoor
24 close up 6 doorway 26mm none feet walking in door (same angle as shot 23)
25 close up 6 Room 26mm none kicks off sandals
26 close up 6 desk 26mm none drops keys on desk
27 long shot 6 Room 13mm none walks into bathroom and shuts door
28 medium 6 Room 26mm none walk to light switch
29 close up 6 Room 26mm none hand hovers over switch
30 close up 6 Room 26mm none eyes look toward bed
31 close up 6 Room 26mm none hand switches off light
32 close up 7 mind 26mm pan up veins on hand
33 close up 7 mind 26mm pan up veins on neck
34 close up 7 mind 26mm pan down eyes to lips, slow smile, water drips out of mouth, smile grows and more water drips out of mouth
35 medium 8 Bathroom 26mm none lying on bathroom floor (sideways from ground), water running behind her, eyes closed, jerks, coughs, coughs water more, turns to side toward camera as gets lungs clear, faces back to ceiling and opens eyes
36 long shot 8 Bathroom 13mm none facing down from ceiling showing entire shower, she stares at ceiling brows furrowed
37 medium 8 Bathroom 26mm none (same angle as shot 35) rubs eyes, hands pull back
38 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm none hands with black on them from left shoulder facing toward ceiling
39 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm tracking close up of face as sits up looking at hands, pushes to her feet and goes over to sink, looks at herself in mirror
40 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm pan down face facing mirror, hand moves up to wipe away black, camera pulls out a little bit to show her looking down at her hands
41 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm tracking hand turning on sink, follows hand to wash off hands
42 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm tracking hand moving up to eye to wipe off more
43 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm none hand scrubbing off black in sink
44 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm pan up face as crying, hands offscreen in sink
45 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm none black running down drain
46 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm tracking face as both hands move to to eyes, then fast move down
47 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm pan up hands on sides of sink, camera moves up to her in mirror
48 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm none eyes moving to look from her eyes in mirror to collar
49 close up 8 Bathroom 26mm pan up, tracking hand pulling back dress collar, camera moves up to face as backs away, she fast turns to the right, eye finds camera after turns
50 medium 9 bed 26mm none her center as she sits up in bed
51 close up 9 bed 26mm none hand throws off covers
52 close up 9 bed 26mm none eyes looking down at legs
53 close up 9 bed 26mm none (same angle as shot 51) hand moves to check leg
54 close up 9 bed 26mm none arm as turns to check arm
55 close up 9 bed 26mm none collar as hand moves over neck, hand rests on chest, breathing
56 medium 9 room 26mm none hand pulling open curtains
57 medium 9 room 26mm none moves toward window
58 close up 9 room 26mm none resting head on window, breathes, opens eyes, pulls away
59 close up 9 room 26mm none pulls on dark shirt
60 close up 9 room 26mm none grabs keys angrily
61 long shot 9 room 13mm none Low angle of hips to legs, slams door behind her
62 close up 10 hall 26mm none hand hesitating to grab door handle, pushes door open
63 long shot 10 doorway 13mm none her pushing in door then pausing in doorway, surveying room, moves to her right offscreen
64 long shot 11 room 13mm none her on the left and computer on the right (slightly turned toward camera), blanket wrapped around her, knees up, popcorn to side, watching tv
65 close up 11 room 26mm none light shining on eyes as she watches
66 close up 11 room 26mm none hand grabbing popcorn
67 close up 11 room 26mm none angled of what is playing on the screen
68 close up 11 room 26mm none eyes, eyes droop, eyes drop, head tilts, eyes jerk open, focus on screen, few seconds later eyes droop again
69 medium 12 room 26mm none elbow slips from desk (desk level)
70 medium 12 room 26mm none slams on ground, opens eyes groggily, rubs eyes, sits up
71 medium 12 room 26mm none (desk level), eyes looking over desk, scan desk, see headphones on her left, grab headphones, put on and stand up
72 long shot 12 room 13mm none from corner putting away things in room, jump cut head hanging upsidedown on bed, jumpcut making bed, jump cut banging head on wall, jump cut painting on canvas, jump cut painting on arms, jump cut dancing in center of room
73 long shot 12 room 13mm none next corner of room, jump cut dancing in center of room
74 long shot 12 room 13mm none next corner of room, jump cut dancing in center of room
75 medium 12 room 26mm tracking “holding” microphone and dancing and mouthing words
76 close up 12 room 26mm tracking her and camera spinning, colors flash in jump cuts
77 close up 12 room 26mm tracking full face, stops spinning and fully faces camera in weird lighting, gets pulled to her right
78 medium 12 room 26mm tracking BACK TO same angle from floor fall as she falls from desk again, on her back, FALLING transition from same angle, camera moves with her as she sits up slightly, gasps and is pulled down from behind (camera tracking her)
79 medium 13 mind 26mm tracking SAME ANGLE and distance for transition as she pushes herself up from the floor, now on stomach, follows her head until she is completely standing (showing side of face)
80 medium 13 mind 26mm none Face forward medium shot as she walks forward, toward camera, light shining in front of her
81 close up 13 mind 26mm none MIRROR angle of full face from side, perfectly splitting screen (NEED TO SHOOT TWICE WITH TWO DIFF OUTFITS AND MAKEUP), steps forward from offscreen, looking at herself (FIRST person eyes furrowed, OTHER person grinning), both scan each other bottom to top, both lift right hands up holding knife looking at it nose level, both glace to knife, glance to each other, pull back arm to slam into mirro

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