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Lorna Koonce
EDU 225
May 10, 2015
Instructor Biba John

Part 1: Assessment Technology
This software assess is a formative assessment. Students will do this quiz based on information
learned about states capitals and presidents. This practice will allow for each individual students
to find out what information they remembered. Data allows the teacher to review the questions
that students did not answer correctly.
Answer Key (Poll)

James Madison
Franklin Pierce
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
George W. Bush
John Quincy Adams
Jefferson City

Part 2: Blog Post

Assessments are necessary to support learning but can also be used as an evaluation of
individual students, schools, districts and monitoring national standards (Webb, Gibson and
Forkosh p.452). Using software to support assessment is necessary to individual students as well
as schools districts because these software provide the necessary information for improvement in
schools and their districts as well as meeting national standards. Utilizing software to support

assessment is necessary and convenient to both students and teachers. Assessment software can
provide the data that can be used to monitor, measure and evaluate students performance.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
Teachers can use technology to assess learning in the classroom by using software that is
readily available to give feedbacks to the teacher to make improvement decisions. Technology in
the classroom provides for practice and practice is a formative assessment that measures
achievements that can be interpreted by teacher, students and peers. The teacher then uses this
information to decide the next step in instruction most time for the better (Webb et al).
Teachers can use technology to assess learning by using different types of software for
feedbacks. Software can be used for quizzes, multiple activities that the students can practice
different skills and results are given to allow children to know their level of competency.
Teachers use technology to make their work more productive an example is using a software to
post grades for students and their parents. Software is also used to set up test that is graded so
students can collect this information to help study for the next test.
Poll everywhere is a software that that teachers can use to set up quizzes, practice skills
and testing. This software can be set up for individual students to take multiple choice, true or
false test and quizzes. The teacher can use this software to collect information on different
subject matter. After a lesson is taught for example a science lesson on insect classification. The
teacher uses questions relevant to what was taught students then practice a quiz or test to
determine how much information was memorized This allows both teacher and student to make
informed decisions based on the performance.
Engrade is another type of software that teachers can use in their classroom to
help with assessment. Engrade allows individual teacher as well as school districts to set up type

different types of assessments. Teachers can use this software to set up quizzes and test for
students. It also allows teachers to set up individual assessments and group assessments. Quizzes
and test are graded on the site. Grades are posted for students as well as parents. Engrade
provides feedback to students, teachers and parents. Teachers can use the software to set practice
quizzes for students to practice before a test. Students will work on specific skills before taking a
test. The test can also be administered through this software.
Flubaroo is a software that teachers can use to facilitate assessment. Using
flubaroo can create test and quizzes in a classroom setting. Flubaroo can compute average
assignment score. It can compute average score per question and flag low scoring questions. This
software will show a grade distribution graph. Teachers will have an option of using email to
distribute the students grades and answer keys to test and quizzes. Teachers will be able to send
individual feedback to students. Teacher can use this software to administer test and quizzes to
help improve students performances and will keep abreast of additional practice or new lessons
to teach. Teacher can give individual students the necessary feedback to work on strengths and

Formative and summative assessments are used in classroom to help teachers tailor their
instructions. These assessment help students to know their strengths and weaknesses. The
difference between both assessments is that formative is administered to strengthen skills during
practice. Formative allows students to practice grade level skills. Formative assessments tells the
teachers what additional practice to be given or what lessons to teach and how to teach these
lessons. Summative assessment is usually national test and projects that are metered to judge
students performance state wide or on a district level difference between formative assessment
and summative assessment. Formative assessment is mostly quizzes, pop tests and individual

practice for certain skills. Summative assessment is mostly final exams, districts and state wide
test. Poll everywhere, Engrade and Flubaroo are software that can be used to measure both
formative and summative assessments. Formative assessment is of learning for learning as
learning occurs while summative assessment is more focus on result. (Webb et al p.453)
The pros of using software to facilitate assessments are these software provide
feedback information that teachers can use to make improvement in instructions. Students are
involved in the assessment. Teachers have the ability to personalize instructions for assessment.
The cons of using software to facilitate instructions would be how proficient teachers and
students are in using these software. Teachers have to be open and properly trained to use these
software. Some of these software are costly and if individual district do not provide these
software then it becomes burdensome for some teachers as well as limit what software can be
Teacher should not only use software to assess students learning because there are other tools
that are just as effective. Traditional methods are not all outdated such as drills and
memorization. It should be necessary to use different methods for comparison and interpretation
so that students are exposed to fair judgments. Seeing that students learn in various ways they
should be exposed to various methods of learning and assessment.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
ISTE standards for teachers number two states that teachers should design and develop
digital age learning and assessment. This standard supports technology assessment. ISTE
standards for students number three states that students should develop research and
information fluency. Students apply digital tools to gather evaluate and use information. This

standard supports students using technology to evaluate information which also supports doing
tests and quizzes using software
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Teachers use software to encourage practice in their classrooms. This type of practice is
used to create and support learning opportunities. Assessment with technology makes the
teachers work more productive. Technology is less consuming than copying papers so teachers
will be better organized in a classroom. Twenty-first century students are more technology savvy
therefore using technology in assessment will foster learning and will eliminate most disruptions
due to boredom and frustrations. .

Webb, M., Gibson, D., & Forkosh-Baruch, A. (2013). Challenges for information technology
supporting educational assessment. Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(5), 451-462.

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