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Bhrigu Chakra

Paddhati & Ketu

Sampath Kumar Medavarapu,
Editor: M Imran, Pakistan


Kumar Medavarapu is a
practioner of astrology since 35 years. He
has written 6 books on astrology in Telugu
language. He is an M A in Sanskrit and has
translated 64 Tantras from sanskrit to
Telugu language. He has submitted several
research papers in national and
international conferences. His email id is

he description of Ketu as
given in BPHS - Ketu like
Rahu has smoky appearance
with a blue-mix physique. He
resides in forests and is horrible. He is
windy in temperament and is intelligent.
Rahu and Ketu are malefic planets. If
Rahu or Ketu be in the ascendant, 7th , 8th
or 12th there of or be in the 7th from a
Maraka lord or be with such a planet, they
acquire powers of killing in their major or
sub periods. For one born in Capricorn or
in Scorpio, Rahu will be a Maraka, Should
Rahu be in the 6th , 8th or 12th , he will give
difficulties in his Dasa periods. He will
not, however, do so if aspected by or
conjunct a benefic.

Notes: Important places for Rahu/Ketu to

acquire power of killing are the ascendant,
7th 8th -12th . The 2nd house is naturally
added as another node will be in the 2nd
when one is in the specified 8th house
The 2nd house & 6th house is naturally
added as another node will be in the 2nd
when one is in the specified 8th house or

12th house. 12th posited node will be killer but 6th posited node will not kill, if is alone.
They will not be Marakas, if they are in the 3rd, 9th, 5th and 11th houses. lf a node joins a
Maraka planet or is in the house of a Maraka planet, it will act as a
Maraka . Rahu is termed as a primary Maraka for Capricorn and Scorpio ascendants. If he
is in one of the adverse houses for these ascendants his Dasa will bring death or intolerable
Now I will explain the Ketus impact on severe health problems, when it coincides
with natal Ketu and transit Ketu, some time it will also correlates with Dasa/Bhukti. The
sixth house is responsible for enemies and sicknesses, eighth for sudden events and twelfth
for hospitalization and expenditure. So now we can easily understand the aphorism.
BCP Rule: When BCP year will come on natal Ketu position, while transit Ketu also
correlates to the 6th-8th-12th house or natal Ketu, then native will face serious health
problems and get surgery. This is the one of the most important clues to detect the period
of disease.
Case 1 : M.S. Prabhakara Sastry

Here BCP year came on the natal Ketu house (Aquarius) at the age of 52 in the year of
2012. At that fateful time, transit Ketu was moving in Aries that is 6th from Scorpio lagna.
Consequently, the native got lung cancer and treated with chemo and radiation therapies.

Case 2: Sampath Kumar (Author)

Here BCP year came on the natal Ketu house (Aries) at the age of 54 in the year of 2011. At
that time, transit Ketu was moving in 8th from Scorpio ascendant. The native had the
surgery of hemorrhoids.
Case 3: CBC was born on July 21, 1958, at 6:40 pm, Rajahmundry, India
Here BCP year came on the natal Ketu house (Aries) at the age of 52, in 2010. At that time,
transit Ketu was also making a sojourn on natal Ketu (4th from Capricorn ascendant). As
a result the native had the intestines surgery, and got relief.

Case 4: Sonia Gandhi (Politician)

Here BCP year came on the natal Ketu house (Scorpio) at age 65 in the year of 2011.
Simultaneously, Ketu was transiting on natal Rahu (Taurus) 11th from Cancer ascendant.
Then this native had a Surgery in stomach area, and got relief. Note, running dasha-bhukti
(Mercury-Saturn) are also linked with Ketu in natal chart.1

Pls note here Tr Ketu is neither in 6,8,12 position as per the authors BCP rule nor on natal Ketu but being in 7 th from
natal Ketu directly influences on natal ketu. - SA

Case 5: Akkineni Nageswara Rao (Telugu Film Actor)

Here BCP year came on the natal Ketu house (Capricorn) at age 64 in the year of 1988. At
that time in transit, Ketu was moving over natal Rahu (Cancer) in 10th from Libra
ascendant. In birth chart, 10th house Cancer is occupied by lagna lord, and also receiving
10th aspect of Saturn (which is roga karaka, besides dispositor of Ketu). The native had the
open heart surgery, but he got relieved.
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