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In Cold Blood
By Camille Stanford
I tuned back in to my surroundings as the crosswalk light began beeping to let all us
pedestrians know that it was safe enough to cross the intersection. I was jostled a bit by the
crowd surrounding me, a dog-eared beastman dressed like a punk pushed past me to catch up to a
beast-woman he started to shamelessly flirt with. I sigh, and merely turn up the volume on my
Blaed phone. In this city, tails, oddly colored hair, and other strange bits do not stand out all that
much. Superpowers, Aliens, and the like are just a part of everyday life in Skylight. I continue
towards the enormous silver skyscraper of WhiteBlaed Corporation.
Being later in the night, the building was not as crowded as it was during the day, but still
had a respectable amount of employees. I had decided to come visit my dad, wait for him to
finish with some meetings and go back home with him. Technically I shouldnt even be here, but
sitting around the house is not my idea of a fun weekend. Being out in the city is much more
exciting, and its not too far from home anyway: a ride through the subway and a short walk
through downtown. Also, most people tend not to pay much notice to a lone teenage guy like me,
so Im not too worried about being hurt or anything like that.
I entered through the automatic white front doors that opened before me in a soft whoosh.
I immediately entered one of the elevators across the room, briefly waving to one of the security
guards, though he was busy talking to someone else.
I exited the elevator on nearly the top floor, and nodded to Ms. Tanner at her desk. As
always, the secretary didnt even glance in my direction and continued typing, maintaining her
air of snobbish indifference she reserves for everyone. The room is quite large with tile and plush
carpets, everything decorated in neutral colors of black, white, tan and grey. There is even a
decorative waterfall near the door that gurgles secretively as it dances through the rocks. I
claimed the couch on the far end of the room that looks out across Skylight City through the wall
of windows and plunked down to read my book. Despite expectations, the seating is quite
comfortable, but most people are too nervous to enjoy it.
I had been reading for a while when I heard the elevator doors open, and looked up to see
a tall blond woman stride in. She went straight to the curved hardwood secretarial desk with
barely a glance towards the waterfall on her left, her black high heels clicking on the tile. This
was a woman with a purpose.
Im here to see Mr. Colden. Its important. She stated, standing with a firm impatience,
her weight on one leg.
This caught my interest. Mr. Sullivan Ellis Colden is the owner of the company and also
known as a heartless mogul, business extraordinaire, and board member of the Confederacy of
Obstructive and Nefarious Acts (CONA). In other words, a villain, and a well-known one at that.
The secretary, Ms. Tanner took her time removing her eyes off her work to glower at the
intruder. She made no effort to hide her annoyance, and appraised the intruder with a critical eye.
Do you have an appointment? she asked in the bored tone she is so good at.
In fact, I do. She replied, handing Ms. Tanner a paper. Lucille Luck, eight-thirty.
The secretary read the paper in disapproval, then reluctantly handed it back where it was
tucked back into the briefcase. Well then Mrs. Luck-
Ms. Luck if you please. She clarified. I smiled a bit; Ms. Luck was doing an excellent
job of working with the abrasive secretary who obviously disliked her even more than the usual
visitor. Many people would have been dissuaded by now, and I continued to observe in interest;

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some feigned importance, but that didnt seem to be the case with Ms. Luck and I wanted to see
what she was here for.
Ms. Luck, Mr. Colden is currently in the middle of an important board meeting that
couldnt possibly be interrupted. You shall just have to come back later. She sneered. In other
words, dont come back.
How long? I can wait. She insisted, directing her bright green eyes into the opposing
womans grey ones. If I hadnt been watching closely I might have missed the flicker of
uncertainty in the secretarys eyes, who relented to the unyielding gaze after a few long
moments. My book lay forgotten in my lap as I wondered what had happened; I had never seen
her back down before anyone besides my dad.
Ten minutes at most. She replied, watching her suspiciously.
Thank you. Ms. Luck said cheerfully and then sat down across from me, sifting
through her briefcase. I observed her curiously as she found a file, crossed her legs and then
began reviewing it. She wore a pinstripe suit with pants rather than a skirt, and a modest pastel
green blouse underneath. Her jewelry was a simple silver necklace and matching earrings which
felt like they had been enchanted with some basic protections, and faint lip stick. She was here
for purely business. Perhaps noticing that she was not alone with Ms. Tanner, she glanced up and
jumped a bit to see me sitting there, but regained her composure. I tend to go unnoticed by most
people, and it intrigued me that she had noticed me fairly quickly when some never notice me at
all even when I sit next to them. She smiled, flashing a set of very white, very straight teeth.
Good afternoon. She said politely. So what is a high school student doing here? she
asked kindly.
I inclined my head a bit to the meeting room door and smiled shyly Im waiting for my
dad to finish.
Ah. Her eyes brightened with curiosity, and she leaned over and held out her hand.
My name is Lucille, but I prefer Lucy.
We exchanged a handshake, and I introduced myself. Im Rei. Short for Reindhart, but
I wasnt going to reveal that to a random stranger, no matter how pretty she was. Nice to meet
you. Through her firm grip I had felt the brief presence of energy only a magic user has, and I
hoped she hadnt noticed that I had noticed.
So your dad works here then? she questioned, to which I nodded in the affirmative.
Doesnt Mr. Colden mind you waiting here?
Well no, not really. I said, shifting uncomfortably.
Is that so? her intense gaze observed me, trying to determine if I was hiding something.
For a few minutes it seemed like she would let the conversation go, but I had piqued her interest,
and Lucy was obviously a lady who found out things. Whos your dad?
I outwardly shrugged and turned my attention elsewhere, in stereotypical teenager
fashion that clearly says theres not much to say and Im done with this conversation. Facing the
window I saw that the sun had set and the city was beginning to show its million eyes. I could
see my reflection, a sixteen-year-old teen with calm turquoise eyes and short black hair tinged in
silver. I knew Lucy was watching me intently for any clues, but soon the meeting door opened
and businessmen began streaming out.
I guess Ill just have to see for myself. She murmured. I looked at her as she eyed the
people exiting, waiting for my dad to come out and greet me. As they filed out to the elevator she
was at first attentive, then perplexed as the room emptied. She gave me a questioning look, to
which I just shrugged helplessly and smiled a bit. About to ask me something else, the secretary

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interrupted by informing her she could go and see Mr. Colden now. Gathering her wits she
entered my dads office, no doubt tucking our odd exchange into the back of her mind for later

Later, the door opened to release Ms. Luck with a thoughtful frown on her face, followed
behind by the confident stride of my dad, who as always had a calm, cold expression. He has
piercing light blue eyes, short, slicked black hair with silver like mine, and the curving silver
horns that places the Colden family securely in the non-human category. It also shows we have
the Colden ability. Although my dad is considered heartless, he is still my dad and immediately
after stepping out of the door he saw me and the chill in his eyes warmed up to greet mine.
My dad and Lucy walked over to me, suspicion prevalent in her eyes. I stood up from the
couch, closing my book, and my dad placed his hand on my shoulder.
Ms. Luck, I would like you to meet my son, Reinhardt. He introduced coolly, and I
could hear the faint amusement in his voice; undetectable to anyone except those who have
known him for years. I just smiled apologetically; Im not allowed to volunteer my heritage.
She gasped silently, and her face paled considerably as she looked at us, recognizing the
similarities and unsure how to respond. She blinked multiple times as she regained her
composure, and eventually she was able to whisper, Its nice to meet you too.

I sat in the back of the limo with my dad as we drove home, lounging on the back seat
cushions. My dad was signing some paperwork, while our chauffeur David, an ex-mafia member
with lots of scars maneuvered through traffic. I sat up and eyed my dad.
So what did you talk to Ms. Luck about? You were talking awhile.
My dad shuffled his papers. Not too much. Mostly the usual questions reporters ask,
with all the subtleties. Although I feel as if there was more to it this time. She made an
appointment under the name of the Skylight Times, yet from the questions she was asking, I have
to wonder if she is more than a reporter.
I nodded thoughtfully. My dads instinct was usually right on. She sure seemed
surprised when you introduced me.
He chuckled. Yes, she did. Im certain we gave her much to think about, especially
considering she could hardly put a sentence together. Her shocked face was definitely worth it.
I sighed. Says the person who has given me specific instructions all my life to not tell
anyone who my father is.
I have my reasons. I want to see what she does with the information Ive thrown to her,
and see where that information will end up; wouldnt it be ironic if instead of there being a media
blowout, we suddenly noticed governmental agents snooping around our house again?
Besides, its not like anyone would believe it, and even if they did you are getting old
enough to take care of yourself.
I felt a faint spark of hope, but tried to play it casual. Well, Im glad I have your vote of
confidence; enough to let me attend school?
You are attending school.

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Not with other people! Its just homeschool. Itd be nice if I could actually have
someone to talk to and hang out with.
Now my dad sighed. Im afraid not, Rei.
You know exactly the reason for the secrecy. I could hardly bear the thought if you were
to be kidnapped, or worse. And think of how your mother would feel if that happened.
I understood, but that didnt mean I had to be happy about it. I turned in my seat, facing
away from my dad and out the window where the city bustled even through the night.
Rei. I am sorry. I know its not easy for you, what with me being
On the list for the Worlds Top Ten Villains? I finished.
Yes. That.
I turned back to him. I do get that Dad, and its not like I hate you for it, its just the
house just gets really quiet sometimes, which isnt always bad but most of the servants are
either terrified of me or give me this pitying look like Im some kind of hostage. Which I may as
well be since hardly any of them know who I am either.
I realized my dad was looking at me, with that expression that showed he was intently
listening, but also debating on whether to speak or not. Something occurred to me.
So why else did you tell Ms. Luck about me?
A flash of surprise, swiftly followed by Sullivan Coldens slow, pleased smirk. You are
getting too perceptive, Rei. I guess you could say Im testing the waters, seeing how Skylight
will react to the hint of me having a son a grown one at that without them knowing about it.
Since youve been pestering your mother and me to let you go out into the world, Ive had
something in the works, and today seemed an excellent opportunity for a test.
I perked up at this. Really? So Ms. Luck isnt really a reporter then. If she had been,
my father would have revealed nothing. As he often says, caution is key, and the media are only
good for riling up the public.
No, she hid it very well, but when she started asking me about more personal matters,
he eyed me before returning his gaze forward, then I knew something was up. She may have
originally been a reporter; that doesnt really matter right now. But I imagine this is something
those secret-keepers higher up will want to keep quiet for now until its validated. Then well
probably be hounded.
He looked over at me. You do realize what that means, right? Reporters, the Association
of Heroics, etc. are going to be in your face and wont let you rest. Your life will be in danger.
Are you sure that is what you want? Theres still the time right now to withdraw.
I leaned back in the seat, thinking as I stared up through the ceiling window at the nearly
starless sky. My dad had a very good point, and he knew what he was talking about. Countless
times I had seen my dad swarmed by crowds, and at others even attacked by one of the
superheroes that riddled this city, hoping to make a name for themselves. The thought of my
privacy being interrupted made me grimace. It was a privacy my parents had worked hard to
cultivate at our house. But then I thought of the emptiness that so often filled our home; an allpervading loneliness when no one around. You can only play so many video games and read so
many books before the absolute Quiet starts to drive you crazy. How many times had I imagined
having a friend to just be with? A real, flesh and blood, true friend.
Decided, I looked at my dad and nodded. Even if I might get hurt, or regret this, I wanted
to keep moving forward, to at least have the chance to find a friend. My dad nodded seriously in

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turn, a slight sadness in his eyes. He unclicked his seatbelt and slid over to me, putting his arm
on my shoulders.
I had hoped to spare you from the limelight. But I just want you to know that I am so
proud of you. Ill admit I havent approved of all of your choices like the time when you ran
out into the street just to save a cat but you are a better son than anything I could have
Thanks Dad. My cheeks flushed.
And if anyone gives you any trouble then theyll have to deal with me.
I shivered, with an uncomfortable smile. I sure hoped for everyone elses sake that there
was no one foolish enough to call upon my dads ire.
Dont forget about me either! a deep voice called up from the drivers seat. If your
dads ever too busy to chase someone off, you always have my number!
Thanks David!
He gave a thumbs-up through the window, eyes still focused on the road ahead as we
approached home.

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