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Model Exercise

1.) Rosa delivers flowers for a local flower shop. You have been asked to
assess her performance as a delivery driver. You notice that four days in
a row Rosa falls behind and is late with her deliveries. The other
delivery drivers, however, are able to make their deliveries on time. You
get the chance to observe Rosa on a day where there are fewer
customers, but Rosa still falls behind and makes late deliveries.

What is the consensus information and is it high or low?

What is the distinctiveness information and is it high or low?

What is the consistency information and is it high or low?

What do you think is the reason for Rosas behavior and what type of attribution did
you make?

2.) You have made plans to go to lunch with four of your friends. Your
friend, Finn, texts you and informs you that he cannot make it.
Whenever you have invited Finn out to lunch in the past, he has always
been able to attend. In fact, whenever you have invited Finn out,
regardless of the activity, he has been able to attend. Then you get calls
from your other three friends informing you that they cannot make
lunch either because of a traffic jam.

What is the consensus information and is it high or low?

What is the distinctiveness information and is it high or low?

What is the consistency information and is it high or low?

What do you think is the reason for Finns behavior and what type of attribution did
you make?

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