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Vella Scheodinger

Stem cells

Stem cells are cells that can develop into cells with highly
specialized functions. They can be classified from range from totipotent stem
cells and pluripotent to multipotent. What the Pluripotent stem cells have is
that they have potential to become almost any of the cell types of the body
which include muscle, nerve, heart and blood. They can be made in a lab.
The researchers that are using the human pluripotent stem cells may help
make cells and tissue for transplantation and help people understand of
human development which causes birth defects and cancer. But previously
the researches have been struggling to make the human pluripotent stem
cells. What they have been able to do is derive cells that have slightly
advanced down the developmental characteristics of the differentiation into
specific cell types. The researchers did the whole reset cell again by rewiring
the genetic in human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. The
resulting of those cells share the same stem cells that isolated from mice.

"Scientists Reset Human Stem Cells in 'Significant Milestone' in Medicine."

Medical news today. N.p., 12 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.

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