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Sasha Tiburcio
Mrs. Katelynn Clark
April 16, 2015
Collaboration and Servant Leadership
True leadership is servant hood. Put the interest of the others at the center of your
decisions.- Daves Daily Tips. Servant leadership is about putting others before you and helping
those in need. It is about collaborating with what God would like us to do and being a leader in
something that can benefit us and the ones that we are helping. In order to lead, you need to
serve; in order to get, you need to give. Once you collaborate with these things and become a
servant leader, your job is no longer to make people follow you but to empower them to become
leaders. One of the things that I enjoy the most is helping and being able to relate to others, either
if it is something very good or something that has impacted their lives. Another thing that I enjoy
about serving and collaborating with Gods teachings, is that I get to learn new things every time.
Learning about the person and what they go through on a daily basis and being able to fix that. It
is the small things going on in the world that make you realize how much a big of a change you
can make with the smallest acts of serving and being a leader can do. There were specific
moments in where I was serving and it made me think differently, and made me realize how
much I should appreciate everything that I have and that God has permitted me to have.
I am willing to make a change and influence my community through my service and
leadership. When I was in New York before I came to the Dominican Republic, during my


freshman year I was offered to do some volunteer work during Thanksgiving break. I accepted
due to the fact that I needed some service hours to graduate and went on with it. The event was
called the Thanksgiving Dinner; this was for those who were in need. That day I remember going
to the supermarket and buying things that every human needs on a daily basis such as toothpaste,
toilet paper, soap, and some food. I was a bit confused about why we were actually buying these
things if it was a dinner. Once we had arrived to the place where we were going to serve the
food, I was shocked with the amount of people that went. Not only was I shocked but I was upset
because I had never realized the amount of people that were going through difficult times,
especially in that time of the year. While I was giving out the food and the things we had bought,
I was surprised because there were young people, elders, and children with their parents. This
made me realize how much we do not appreciate the things we have like good clothes, a meal
every day, shoes, and even a television to watch. There are people all over the world that actually
need help.
As a class we realized how having a common task and working together and serving,
we can make a difference and be the change we want to see; what I want to see. When I moved
to the Dominican Republic, I was interested right away in attending at Doulos Discovery School.
Luckily, I did when I passed on to 10th grade, and then I learned the different types of ways that
they taught the students to become servant leaders. I was also told about how they did
expeditionary learning. This was when the school each year does something different and learns
new things in order to help the country. My first year at Doulos I remember going to Monte
Cristi for about three days, there we were investigating how the Yaque River was affecting the
ocean and everything in it. This was happening because of all the trash and contamination being
thrown into the ocean. While we were there we did volunteer work by picking up trash anywhere


we saw it, we had also went to a lonely island which was trashed. There I had realized that not
only people are being affected by crisis going on but also many creatures. As a class we decided
that we were going to come up with a plan in order to help stop the trashing in the Yaque River
because of the long term affect it has. We decided to do a march protesting how people should
stop throwing trash on the streets, which eventually ends up in the river and then in the ocean. As
we did this march we picked up trash showing the people that with almost no effort we can save
the creatures and our country. Not only that but we can keep Jarabacoa clean and the save the
I seek to offer and help others without expecting anything in return. Lastly, one event
in which I served and collaborated was when my class and I went to Caraballo in Santo Domingo
along with some other classes. It was amazing how little things the people living there had, and
managed to survive like that. The majority was hatian and lived in very poor conditions, when on
the other side of the neighborhood are the Dominicans who lived very well. There we went to a
school that is provided to the children that cannot afford to get a good education. It was shocking
the amount of kids that were there which made me fall in love with being a servant leader and
collaborating with what God wants me to do. There we served the food to the children and
shared lunch with them. We also spent quality time with some classes and got to know the
children. Another thing we did was do some activities such as playing games, face painting,
coloring, played soccer, and so many more things. With this event I had noticed that serving
these children and spending time with them was amazing and it brought me closer to God.
Servant leadership is something that you can be born with or it can be something you can
begin to do whenever you are ready. As you can see in these events that I attended I can prove
that I am a servant leader and that I am collaborating with what God wants to see. Even though


it took me sometime to realize that I am a leader, I still made it. I have seen in myself that with
certain things that have happened in my life and becoming part of the family member at Doulos,
has made me a better person and a strong servant leader. Doulos has equipped me to be a servant
leader and make a change. Thankfully I noticed this with the previous events I have mentioned. I
collaborated with what God wants and have become his servant and a strong leader. A quote that
really hit me and some what defines me was, Listen for the call of your destiny, and when it
comes, release your plans and follow. Mollie Marti

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