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A Digital Journey

Dedicated to my best friend, Ionia

The room silent except for the Tac tac of Ionia
building. It felt warm in the room because of the ipad. Without a creeper at
sight, everything was fine.
A creeper is a green rectangular thing with totally black, square eyes. It
has no arms and no legs, only feet. It`s still dangerous, though. Back to Ionia,
she is a smart girl. She has wavy, dark brown hair. She loves to read for
homework and her two favorite colors are fuchsia and purple. She was playing
Minecraft is a game where you can build whatever you want in creative,
not in survival mode. In survival mode you had to make houses so you can
escape the monsters that are creepers, spiders, skeletons, zombies,slime, and
enderman. Enderman and slime appeared rarely. You had to collect most of the
resources. You need to stay alive as long as possible. In creative mode you
could fly and all the resources were collected.The resources are too many to
describe. You also had eggs of things like monsters. (Nothing can kill you in
creative mode, only push you.) You could build anything you want.
Right when she was going to finish her house
FLASH! Where am I, she moaned. She opened her eyes. What she saw
was nothing she had ever imagined. There was a huge house exactly like she
had built it right in front of her. It was made of white brick and had a roller
coaster on the roof. There was a beautiful garden with the same flowers she

put in the same order. Every part of her body was either rectangular or square.
Then she realized where she was. She was in
MINECRAFT! She stood up. She was trying to find a logical explanation for
this. Suddenly, she knew. She had left the ipad charging for a month and left
the charger on while playing. The ipad must have overcharged while she was
playing and absorbed her in the game.
Hello, said a voice from behind her. Ionia turned around. She saw
somebody right in front of her. Can I go in your house?, she asked, It looks
very beautiful.
Its not ready yet, Ionia answered. It still needs decoration in the inside
and it is missing a block.
You're not from around here, are you?, asked the girl. What is your
My name is Ionia, answered Ionia.
My name is Eltrica, said the girl. Eltrica had blond hair. She wore shiny
colors like gold and silver. There was one thing that Ionia did not know. Can I
help you?, said the girl.
Not now, I need to get home. Ionia answered. She was starting to get
impatient but she didn't care. All Eltrica cared about was that she met a new
Do you come from outside the ipad games?, asked Eltrica.
Yes, Ionia replied, Do you know how to get back?
The only way back is getting the precious rock in the monster cave.
Ionia suddenly remembered a cave that she had found full of monsters.
She had blocked that cave and put a sign that said Monster Cave.
Then she paused, lifted her head, and looked around. She wondered how
it looked from inside the game. It all looked like it did from the outside except

the background. Everything looked the same from outside. The trees were all
made of cubes of leaves and of wood of bark. The grass is made of blocks of dirt
with green on top. Everything was made of cubes.
I wonder how to get back to the cave, Ionia wondered in her mind.
Are you wondering how to get to the Monster Cave? Eltrica asked.
How did you know! Ionia said, alarmed, I thought it!
I read your face expression, responded Eltrica, And if you are
wondering how I read your face expression because in Minecraft there is no
face expressions, you're wrong. and she started making faces. Ionia promptly
remembered a train track she had built on the back of her house. She started
walking. Eltrica followed without a moment's doubt. Ionia made a cart and both
came in. In Minecraft things appear automatically when you build one brick at a
time. Ionia started the cart and they arrived very quickly. It had been very fun.
Ionia knew that monsters could not go through doors so, quickly she
destroyed two blocks (on top of each other) and put a door. As quick as
lightning, Ionia opened the door and they both rushed in. Eltrica closed the
door. It was very dark and misty. Ionia put some lanterns and in front of them
were creepers, spiders, zombies and skeletons. (Skeletons have arrows and
bows.) Eltrica took out her secret weapon
A ELECTRICUTER! Ionia was shocked. First, in Minecraft electricuters do
not exist and second, because she did not want to kill them like that. Eltrica,
stop, Ionia ordered. Eltrica put her electricuter down. Hello, monsters, called
Ionia. Will you let me get a rock?, she asked. Ughhhhhh, the monsters
answered. I will take that as a no, Ionia responded.
The monsters started walking towards them. The girls ran to a passage in
the side. They ran and ran until an opening where they found a lava lake! Ionia
had seen little lava
in caves, but not lakes! She got a idea. Eltrica, I have
a idea, Ionia said.
If it does not use my electricuter, its crazy, Eltrica exclaimed.

Okay, here is the plan. Youll, Ionia started.

Crazy crazy crazy. You are crazy, Eltrica sang.
You dont have to participate if you dont want to, Ionia said calmly.
I will, Eltrica exclaimed. Whats the plan?
So, heres the plan. First, we go in the middle and make fun of them.
Then, when they are right about to reach us, you go to the left side of the
lake and I go to the right. The monsters will get tricked and fall in the
lava, Ionia finished, and that is exactly what they did. Everything was
going to plan. All the monsters were defeated except one.
Ionia, watch out!, Eltrica hollered. The king creeper was right behind her!
(Ionia was looking at the lava.) Eltrica pushed Ionia out of the way. Wow,
thanks Eltrica, thanked Ionia.
Your welcome, answered Eltrica. Now, lets keep looking for that rock.
The girls walked and walked until they got to the rock which was
A DIAMOND! Ionia was about to grab it when Eltrica asked Do you have
to leave?
Yes. My parents will be worried sick, Ionia answered.
By, sighed Eltrica.
By Ionia sighed back. Ionia grabbed the rock and whispered I want to
get home.
She found herself in her bedroom with the IPad in her hand. She
suddenly saw a person with the name Eltrica. She smiled. She had forgotten
the adventure she had had.

The End

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