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CS615 Software Engineering

School of CSIS, Pace University

Midterm Exam -- October 17, 2002




I. Multiple Choice: Pressman chapters 1-10 (30 points) ______

II. Multiple Choice: Ambler Object Primer chapters 1-4
and Agile Modeling chapters 1-10 (30 points) ______
III. Multiple Choice: Dennings 6 articles (30 points) ______
IV. Calculation Problems: Pressman (60 points) ______
V. Short Answer Questions: All Material (50 points) ______

(200 points) ______

Do not begin work until so instructed. You will have three hours to complete this exam. Work quickly, but take care
to read all directions carefully and completely. The exam is composed of several sections of varying point values as
indicated above. If you are stuck in one section, you will maximize your potential score by continuing on with the
remainder of the exam, returning only after attempting the rest of the problems.
Do not leave any answers blank. Partial credit will be given only on problems which have been attempted. When
you have finished, turn in your work to your instructor. Any used scratch paper must be included with your exam.

Good Luck!

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