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Russell Thomas

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August 1934 and of Winter 1935



1.It almost rained

(Pg. 88)

1. This is actually really bad.

This means that the people
will have almost no water to
water their crops with! But
also, it makes no sense to
bellyache over it, unless
youre a pessimist. I guess
Billie Jo is a pessimist! I
always sort of assume
characters are optimists,
because Im one.
2. This is great news, if you do
the right thing (reads on)
Oh. You didnt. What I would
have done is to get snow in a
bucket to melt into freshwater
to use. Well, I guess they
didnt : (. This is sad, because
next time the dust comes,
they will only have mud

2.The dust stopped, and it

snowed (Pg. 90)

3.I feel such a hunger to

see things. And such an
anger because I cant
(Pg. 95)

3. This is so pointless. The

people running the exhibit are
stupid. If they leave the
exhibit up, people can enjoy it
more, and more people can
enjoy it. Also they will make a
lot more money! This is such
a pointless evil!

August 1934 and of Winter 1935



4.The rain changed

(Pg. 104)

4. I guess rain in the

Dustbowl is as anticipated
as here! This is a good
example of just how dry the
dustbowl was, and still very
well become today! This is
pretty much the ultimate,
where rain is like life.

5. Will they sow wheat on his

(Pg. 108)

5. I think this is a really cool

idea. After you die, to have
something planted on your
grave and use your
nutrients to grow that
plant. When I die, this
would be awesome to do!
Also I like how they are
using a plant that Haydon
used and farmed most of
his life!
6. I like this part a lot,
because it shows just how
satisfied the little children
are! Also though, what
sound do satisfied children
make? Its sort of a mystery
of what she really means!

6.Ears ringing with the sound

of satisfied children
(Pg. 118)

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