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X-Men Days of future past brings

the meaning of time travel to life

Its packed with action, graphics, and million dollar actors that tells the story of
the X-Men Franchise.

The plot was well thought of as the story started with their films present which
was presented as our future. At that part, the younger mutants of X-Men took
over the show and we got to see powers from Blink (Fan Bing Bing), Bishop
(Omar Sy), and also Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page). It also showed Old Magneto (Ian
McKellen) and Professor X (Patrick Steward) off to a bad start when they were
running away from the Sentinels.
The set-up of the story was concluded when Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) was
tasked to go back to the past before mystique (Jenifer Lawrence) gets her DNA
manipulated. They had to prevent mystique from being killed by scientist who
wants her DNA extract so that they can build the sentinels to have power over
the mutants. The sentinels then got out of control and you have the scene at the
start of the story where everything was destroyed and the battle had to be in
space. The conflicts started when magneto disagrees to their plan of protecting
mystique and tries to kill mystique and though they managed not let mystique
from being captured, her blood was drawn by the scientist. So the plot was on
how she wanted revenge but eventually managed to forgive humans and by
forgiving them, the message went on to how mutants and human can live
peacefully and that has defeated the purpose of the scientist creating the
This movie was well pieced as you can see that the previous X-Men movies
falling in place and its plot is still understandable for people who have never
watched the previous X-Men.
As compared to the other X-Men movies, Wolverine did not have a big role in
actions as he travelled too far back in time and did not have his adamantium
claws and speed healing process.
This movie also has a comical side when the Quick Silver made the whole cinema
laugh with his quickness in movement and even in thinking.
This movie has a strong moral of story that you cannot change your future even
if you back to the past; you have to have a change in heart to change your

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