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Year 4 Homework Grid (Due: Tuesday

Year 4 Homework Term 2 2015 Weeks 5 and 6 hand in your homework grid fortnightly (every 2 weeks)

Spelling and mathematics tasks are still due weekly. All other compulsory tasks and 3 optional tasks are due week 3. All written work is to be
completed in your homework book (please remember to use lead pencil). Once you have finished the task, a parent or caregiver should initial the box.

Compulsory Tasks
Look around your home and find three
acute, obtuse and right angled objects.
Draw or record the angles you have
discovered in your homework book. Can you
find other types of angles? If so what are

Optional Tasks Choose 3

Write an imaginative text based on
the following image:

Times Tables (Weekly)

Learn your 11 (WK 5) and 12 (WK 6) times

tables and recite them at least once a day.
Time yourself to see how fast you can get!
Try putting a beat to the tables as you say
them aloud!

Informative Writing
Write an informative text about a solid
melting. Use your observation sheet from
the Runny Project to inform your work. Dont
forget to add references and research about
solids and liquids.

Home Reading
Read for 20 minutes each night.
Record your home reading each day in your
diary and have your parent/caregiver sign it.
SPELLING (WEEKLY) practise your words
each day, Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.


Why is it important to work

collaboratively and respectfully
with other children and people?
Describe your ideas and opinions
in writing.

You have started a road safety

campaign in the local community.
You and your friends are asking for
donations to have flashing lights
added to the 40km school zone
sign outside LPS. How much
money would you need to raise to
pay for the sign? How would you
raise the money? (MLS)

You have been asked to make

some icecream. What would you
use? What ingredients would you
include from nature to it taste
amazing? (NS)



Create a diary or log of your

thinking patterns. Record how you
feel and your thinking when
something good/bad/happy/sad
happens in your life.

Find a picture or photo that you

could use as a diagram for the
Melting Moments (solids and
liquids) project. (PS)

Fast food restaurants do more

harm than good. Respond to this
statement by drawing or cutting
out pictures of healthy and less
healthy (sometimes/treat) food
options. Organise your images
into a food wheel or pyramid.

Research solids and liquids. Record

three fun and interesting facts that
you have learnt! Write down your
findings on the Fantastic 4J blog or
in your homework book.

What are your three favourite

internet sites and why? Record
these and the url in your
homework book or on the
Fantastic 4J blog



Smarts Key:
WS Word


NS Nature

GS Group

SFS Self

BS Body

PS Picture

SS Science



Maths /
Logic Smarts








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