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Parents Night Data

There were five questions on the survey that had ratings on a four-point Likert scale. The fifth
questions didnt receive a score because it asks the parent if they got all the information they
needed, and if they didnt, there was a place at the bottom of the page for questions.
There were nine parents that completed the survey out of approximately 25 parents in
attendance in total.

4 7; 3 2
4 7; 3 2
4 6; 3 3
Yes 8; Questions 1

I received one question on the surveys. The parent wrote: Could you please email me with
contact info of a couple of girls that will be in the fifth grade class? [Students name] would
like to at least know one or two girls before the first day of school.
I passed the information along to the teacher and it was agreed that we cant give out personal
information. The teacher informed me that should would email the parent and let her know
For the data analysis, it appears that most of the parents were pretty satisfied with the
information they received. Out of all the parents that completed the survey, 78% of them
strongly agreed that the teachers effectively communicated the content of the presentation
and 22% of the parents agreed that the teachers effectively communicated the content. But
overall, the teachers did a great job of communicated the content that parents needed to know.
All the parents that completed the survey acknowledged that the teachers were
knowledgeable about the material that they presented. The teachers have to know everything
about the program that they teach, so this result wasnt surprising. 78% of the parents that
completed the survey strongly agreed that it was worthwhile to attend the meeting, while
22% agreed. I feel that most of the parents got some use out of the evening. Fourth grade
REACH is when things get ramped up math gets more intense and reading/language arts is
about reading and comprehending novels. This can be a big adjustment from third grade
REACH when the students are in the same classroom and when they make the transition to
fourth grade, they begin to switch classrooms and have two teachers instead of just one. 67%
of the parents that completed the survey strongly agreed that the content was relevant and
useful, while 33% agreed. This question is similar to the one before it because the
information should be relevant to the students because they are involved in the REACH
program and are about to get the curriculum boost that is described above.

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