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How Sleep Affects Behavior

Daniel S. Lewin, PhD, D'ABSM, a pediatric psychologist, sleep specialist, and licensed clinical
psychologist at Childrens National Health System speaks about how sleep affects behavior.
A healthy sleep schedule is important for many children and teens to remain alert and aware.
According to a sleep study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, an estimated 64
percent of school-aged children (ages 6 to 12) go to bed later than 9 p.m., and 43 percent of boys
ages 10 to 11 sleep less than the recommended amount each night. It is essential that parents
observe and monitor their childs sleeping schedule to ensure they are not suffering from lack of
Oversleeping is not a problem, but an important indicator that you child is probably not sleeping
for and adequate amount of time on a consistent basis. In rarer cases oversleeping, meaning
every day for more than a few days can be a sign of mood disturbance such as depression.
All human being have a relatively set sleep need that differs across development. Knowing
about how much sleep your child needs is important and establish a regular sleep period that is
age appropriate in terms of duration and timing is key. Infants and toddlers may sleep 10-12
hours, children 10 hours and adolescents and teens 8-9 hours.
These times are relative some children are short sleepers and some are longer sleepers.
Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep on a short term basis can cause over activity, inattention, irritability and increased
risk of injury. Chronic sleep deprivation results in all of these problems and depressed mood. In
very long term cases it will also cause long term health problems.
A regular routine is important, eliminating all electronics within 30-60 minutes of the target
bedtime, and establish a regular sleep period that should not vary more than 30 minutes for
school age children and 1.5 hours for adolescents on weekdays versus weekends.

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