Heroarticle1 Janethovalle

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Janeth Ovalle
Mrs. Capps
Literature 9 Honors
15 January 2015

The World Has No True Hero

The world has heroes, well, what they believe is a hero. The hero can be their savior or
their destruction. In Hitlers case, he used propaganda to make the people of Germany believe
that he was their savior. At the time they believed everything that he was saying and to them he
was their hero until he started to show his true face and this hero became the villain. In other
cases, there doesnt have to be a heroic act such as what Hitler thought of a heroic act was. To be
a hero, one doesnt have to save the world, even just small attributions can make you one.
The first article, from My Hero, Elie Wiesel says he is uncomfortable with societies
that worship heroes. He adds As Goethe said, blessed is the nation that doesnt need them. to
show this. He believes even the smallest thing, such as making somebody happy, is an act of
heroism. Elie states that somebody who speaks the truth to power is also a hero. He included the
example of the man that stood in front of all the tanks and was standing before the entire Chinese
Communist Party. Elie considers his family, friends, and teachers his heroes because they
inspired him to do better.
The second article states how Hitler took over Germany in a matter of a few months.
Hitler could be defined as evil throughout the world due to all the atrocities he committed.
People dont know how he became such a powerful dictator in such a short amount of time. After
all, nobody expected what was to come. Germany had a democratic republic after Word World I,


but Hitler wanted power and he wasnt going to stop at anything to obtain it. He started using
great propaganda to hypnotize the people of Germany to follow all his orders. He became the
leader of one of the largest political party, called the Nazis. Germany was going through a
depression after WWI and he used this as his advantage to take over Germany. He made many
promises, which were all just lies. He planned everything with strategies, and waited for the right
time to put it into action. He wanted power and started taking everything he could get his hands
on. Hitler became known as one of the most brutal dictators of all time.
The first article relates to The Lord of The Flies because it talks about Hitler and Stalin
and how they were dictators. They remind me of Jack and the way he would try to get power to
control the littleuns. Elie says that his heroes are the ones that stand up to false heroes. This
reminded me of Piggy because hes the brains behind Ralphs leadership. Hes the one that tells
Ralph to find a conch so he can blow it to reunite all of the kids. The second article related to,
The Lord of The Flies, because the children that were trapped on the island were trying to set up
their own government. Jack was like the reincarnation of Hitler because he was trying to control
all of the children. He tries to buy them by telling them that they are better of with him than by
themselves. Ralph tries to make a good government, where everyone takes part of it. There is an
election between Ralph and Jack, and the vote on Ralph right away. Jack disagrees with this. He
is more savage, and wants more power. The thing that Jack wants the most is to hunt and get
The outside source would be the Hunger Games. This movie would be related mostly to
the Lord of the Flies because of all the violence that is enacted. President Snow would be just
like Jack, always wanting more power and causing disagreements among everyone. They uses
tactics to manipulate their people. They use everything to keep the people under control. The


people start to become savages in the Hunger Games just like in the Lord of the Flies. They kill
everyone thats in their way and do not stop at nothing to get it done. In the Hunger Games the
people are made to compete in the games and kill everyone. Its incredible how they could just
kill in cold blood. Just like in the Lord of the Flies where they threw a rock and killed Piggy, this
showed how savage these children were truly becoming and what they were capable of doing.
These two sources are alike due to the power their leaders demonstrated and their potential to
take a life like its absolutely nothing.
My opinion over all of this commotion would be that the world has no need for heroes.
What others consider heroes arent necessarily heroes. Everyone has a hero, their mom, dad, or
brother. A hero doesnt have to be superman. A true hero is someone that does the smallest things
to the most insignificant people. To these people a true hero is just that. I believe that a hero can
be an average person and a hero doesnt need power like Hitler to be a true hero or considered a
hero. Power doesnt define a hero. Ralph demonstrated good actions be trying to fix everything
at the island, but Jacks power ended up destroying everything.
A hero doesnt always have to be a good thing; I mean Hitler was a hero to the people of
Germany, but look at the destruction he caused. The definition of hero varies from person to
person, the choice is ours; our hero could be our savior or our destruction. Many heroes let
power get to their heads which causes these so called heroes to become the enemy.


Work Cited
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkley Group, 1954. Print.
Hornberger, Jacob. "How Hitler Became a Dictator." Future of Freedom Foundation, 01 Sept.
2006. Web. 02 Mar. 2013.
Wiesel, Elie. "My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them." Common Core
Literature Grade 9. New York: Free, 2005. 892-895. Print.

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