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Jailhouse Rock

Phil makes an entrance.

Frank: Phil, You cant do this to me. Weve been friends for years.
Phil: You knocked me out three times, and you spilled coffee on my lucky pants.
Frank: You can buy new pants.
Phil: But you cant buy luck. Jerry was a special pair. I was shot twice and lived.
Frank: Well its a good thing I shot the robber instead of you.
Phil: That WAS me.
Frank: You robbed my store!
Phil: No! Im the officer.
Phil: I dont have any words to say to you. Im going to go fill out my retirement

Phil walks over to fill out paper work

10. Joe: Im surrounded by a bunch of idiots.
10. Phil: What did you just say? I cant believe that my own son would rob Franks store
10. Frank: Hey thats me!
10. Phil: Shut up, Frank.
10. Joe: You dont even give me an allowance anymore. How am I supposed to survive?
10. Phil: YOU ARE 25 YEARS OLD! Get a job!
10. Joe: 24 and a half! You don't even know my birthday.
10. Phil: I will deal with you when you get home In a year or two.
18. Phil: Oh, Wait. I forgot to give you your phone call. Whats number do you want?
18. Frank: Um...255-9161
Phils phone rings
20. Phil: Hello
20. Frank: Hey Phil. I got some lunatic officer holding me in jail. Can you swing by and
bail me out?
20. Phil: What, No!
Phil hangs up the phone
23. Frank: He hung up.
23. Phil: Ya think! What number do you want?
23. Joe: 255-9161
Phils phone rings

26. Phil: Hello

26. Joe: Hey Dad, could you bail me out of jail.
Phil hangs up phone
28. Phil: Are you serious?!
28. Joe: What?
28. Phil: You guys are hopeless.
31. Joe: This is all your fault. If you didnt shoot my dad, the sheriff, this wouldnt have
happened, you ding-a-ling.
31. Frank: What?! That was the sheriff!
31. Joe: Yeah, you shot him twice and hit him in the back of the head with a pan.
31. Frank: Yeah, well my glasses were off.
31. Joe: Whatever. We gotta get out of here.
31. Frank: Ill go get the pan.
Frank tries to stand.
37. Joe: No, no, no. Heres the plan.
38. Frank: If you say so. Wait. How do I get these off.
38. Joe: Allow me.
Frank hands Joe his glasses.
Joe picks the locks.
40. Joe: This is one heavy jailhouse rock.
Jailhouse Rock starts to play.
Joe dances with the metal ball over to Phil.
41. Phil: Not Again.
Joe knocks Phil in the head with the ball.
Crispie whistles and mops his way on to stage. Stops whistling at the sight of the sheriff.
Crispie grabs the badge.
42. Crispie: Well it looks like theres a new sheriff in town. Sheriff Crispie.
Crispie pulls out his finger pistol.
Phil starts moaning.
43. Crispie: Cant hurt to knock him out again.

Crispie hits Phil in the head with the mop and mops his way off stage.

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