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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 23
12th December 2014
Naturally I have to rely on others reports in this particular case, but I
am reliably informed that last Fridays Friends Pamper Night was a
great success, those attending treating themselves to a dazzling variety of treatments. Very many thanks to the Friends for organising this,
especially Mrs Munt and Mrs Borthwick.
On Monday evening, the schools Christingle service took place at St
Georges Church. This event is a longstanding and important Bronte
tradition, and it was especially enjoyable for me to be at my first
Christingle. Much gratitude is due to Rev Christopher Stone, the
Rector, for making the church available to us. Many thanks too to the
superb Salvation Army band, under their bandmaster, Gary Shelton.
The readings were delivered with confidence and clarity, and well
done to all the readers. Well done too to the Infants Choir and the
Junior Choir, and indeed to all the children for some wonderful singing. A special mention perhaps should be made of Max Robinson and
Daya Matharu, who sang the first verse solo or rather duo of
Once in Royal Davids City.
For the finale, the lights were gradually put out, leaving just the candles of the childrens Christingles, while they sang Silent Night,
doing so beautifully, both in English and German. It was a very special

After all the events of the week, today was officially fun. The
Christmas Fun Day started with a fabulous Jack and the Beanstalk
pantomime, one of the best weve had. The infants, dressed in a
superb variety of predominantly princes/princess costumes had a
wonderful day of Christmas activities and were taught today by
Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters!!

The whole week has been special in many other ways too, Wednesday
and Thursday being the days of the Infants and Juniors plays.
The Infants nativity play, We Three Kings, focused on the journey of
the Magi, together with their retinues of servantsand a camel whose
noisy consumption of his camel food whilst stopped at a convenient
oasis was truly shocking. In contrast to the wealthy kings, humble
shepherds gathered too in Bethlehem. They were joyously
surrounded by angels and stars, aka the Reception class. It was a
super event. Thank you very much indeed to the directors, Mrs Wood,
Mrs Nash and Mrs Kybert: their skill ensured high standards of
delivery by the children, who obviously hugely enjoyed every minute.

To finish the day of fun there were two discos, one for the infants
and one for the juniors which were greatly enjoyed by everyone.
Santa Claus then visited them in the afternoon, whilst the
juniors had an afternoon of Christmas games and sports
activities. Year 6 Enterprises made a 100 on their Christmas
stall and would like to thank all the children for their support.

Talking of the run-up to Christmas, this is just to remind you

all as well, that the Christmas Club operates over the first
two days of the holidays, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th
December. It is full of activities and fun including Christmas
crafts, football skills and practical Christmas science.
Looking Ahead
Week 15

Christmas 1914, the Juniors production, was a series of vivid snapshots of different aspects of those times a hundred years ago, when
for so many life became a violent mixture of excitement and terror.
We saw families, factory workers, nurses, farmers, and of course a
sturdy band of infantry soldiers, who suddenly found themselves in
the cold grimness of the forward trenches. The costumes were terrific
and everyone acted and sang with great style and energy. Producing
such a play was a great achievement, and the result of very hard work
by all, under the expert direction of Mrs Baldacci and Mrs Ansell, to
whom we give heartfelt thanks.

Mon 15th December

Wed 17th December

10.00 Helpers Assembly

all welcome
11.30 Junior Choir - carol singing
at Pelham Road Residential Home
09.00 Final Assembly
End of Term 12.00 noon (pick-up at
this time)

Thurs 18th December, Christmas Club (10am4pm) but

Fri 19th December
with childcare options both before
and after.

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