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Building skills Assessment

In this lesson we are going over the number 12. Adding numbers to make 12 and subtracting
numbers from twelve. This is a formative assessment to measure the students knowledge and
understanding before moving on to the next lesson. If there are areas that need to be addressed
before moving on them we can do so. The questions at eh end of the assessment I like to give
my students periodically throughout the school year. The first question there is not right or
wrong answer. It is just a question I like to ask my students to see if there is anything they want
to tell me. Many times I find that it is easier for them to tell me they are having trouble with
something or someone in class by writing it down than telling me in person. The last question I
like to ask my students just to remind them that they are all special and all deserve to be treated
with respect and kindness and to treat others that way also.
1. 9
2. 5
3. 7
4. 10
5. 1
6. 3
7. 12
8. 12
9. 12
10. 12
11. 12
12. 12
13. There is no wrong or right answer. What you write is completely up to you. It can be
something silly or something you feel is important to you. The point of this question is
for you to be able to tell me something that you wish I knew. What you write will be
between you and me, unless you tell me I can share it with others.
True. Yes, everyone is different and no two people are the same. No one learns


the same, talks the same, or even looks the same but we are all the same on the inside. We
all want the same things; to have friends, have fun, go to school, learn with our friends,
and be treated with kindness. Remember to always treat others how you would want
them to treat you.

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