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When you create a CEC account, please do the following, for all types of accts:
1. Ask for the WU ID; we need this before the account can be set up.
2. Check that their ID number begins with EN, SI, SU, IE, or GR; this designates that
they are an engineering student. If they do not have a designator, they must
submit a form that they are enrolled in an engineering school via their student
record on webstac.
3. If this is a Faculty account, check the WU directory online to determine if they are
Engineering faculty. You will then need to call Adam Lopresto at 5-7254 to get
the ID number for the faculty member. If Adam isnt in, please get the faculty
members contact information so we can email/phone her/him once the
login/password is ready for pickup. If the account cant be created right away
because we do not have the ID number, communicate that the account will be
ready no later than the next business day (and more likely within a couple of
hours, unless Adam is not in that day). If you cant reach Adam, please email him
at and Cc: me, with the Faculty members full name and
include the Engineering dept that he/she is in.
4. Create the account.
5. Print out the login/password sheet.

FOR UNDERGRAD/GRAD students: Ask if they have logged onto Webstac and
gone through the process of getting their GO account set up.
Undergraduates have to set up a GO account; at this point, graduate students do
not. If the student hasnt set up a GO account yet, you should point out the
reasons why they may want a GO account;
It is an email account that will never go away, and the
forwarding address will automatically forward to the GO account If
they are graduate students, they can log in to Webstac and change
where their forwarding address goes, if they dont want it to go to GO
the GO account provides 10GB of storage for email
Skydrive hard drive space 25GB
Messenger: Live chat, voice, and video communication on your
computer and mobile device(s).
Spaces: Online workspace for collaboration and groups.
For more information, please refer them to ;
this link is on the sheet that you printed out.


After they leave, please send email to Mark Bober, , with
the login of the account you just created. Mark needs to physically turn off the
email on the CEC side, and he wants to do this as soon as possible, rather than

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