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Gr3 Unit Planner Date: April 27th - June 19th 2015 Length of unit: 8 weeks

Stage 1 Desired Results

Conceptual Understandings:
Students will understand that . . .
The structure of different text
types includes identifiable
When writing, the words we
choose and how we choose to
use them enable us to share our
Students will know . . .(Knowledge)
Information reports are used to
present information about a
class of things whether natural
or man-made.
Information reports are nonfiction.
The recognizable features of an
information report

Essential Questions:
What is an information report?
What is its purpose?
Who is the audience for this report?
How is an effective report structured?
What are the features of an information

Students will be able to . . . (Skills)

Compose an information report, containing:
o A general statement identifying the
subject (classifying and defining)
o Paragraphs with topic sentences
o Descriptive information about the
subject, using:
General nouns
technical words
timeless present tense
relating and action verbs
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Students will be given basic facts (in bullet points) about a given topic, e.g. animal. They will
sort/classify the information and re-create the information report.
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Students will create an information
Discussions of and written responses to
report about a subject of their choice
informational texts
related to their independent inquiry.
Students highlight structure and features of
information text (NSW and Writing Fun
Use of Think/Puzzle/Explore, Research
Table, and Text Organizer documents
Moderation of assessment: Across the grade
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities: (include differentiation)
Pre-assessment with facts, (more and less important)
Shared readings of information reports to identify components
Discuss and co-construct features of information reports
Shared /independent writing of information texts
Shared discussion of language UbD
Developing technical vocabulary by playing a definition game, 20 questions about
function or habits of a class of objects

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