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SAC Club and Association Funding Request Form

All club and association funding is held in the SAC general account, and is distributed through grants. Any club or
association wishing to apply for a grant now, or later in the year, must fully complete this form and submit it to the
SAC in person or through the SAC mailbox by ___________________________________________________.

All grant requests must be approved by the SAC Treasurer, SAC Staff advisor and Club Staff Advisor.

Club/Association Name:___________________________________ Email:_____________________________

President:__________________________________ Staff Advisor:____________________________________

a) Total SAC funding granted (including surplus from last year, if any):__________________________________

b) Amount Spent this school year: (please list below/on a separate sheet if you need more space, and attach
proof of expenses to this form – e.g. invoices, receipts, etc)

Amount Spent($) Date Description of expense


c) Remaining SAC Funding (a – b =)_____________________________________________________________

Previous Fundraising Attempts: (attach sheets if you need more space)

Amount Raised($) Date Description of fundraiser


d) Funding Request: (please list specific amounts and the planned date of expense; strong preference will be
given to clubs that provide a detailed breakdown with attached evidence of costs such as price quotes or invoices.
Attach sheets if you need more space.)

Amount Req’d($) Planned date Description of expense


______________________________ _________________________________

(Club/Association President’s Signature) (Club/Association Staff Advisor’s Signature)

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