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SLO Writing Part Two

CHOOSE ONE of the following writing prompts and create a 3 to 5 paragraph

essay with your response. Please title your essay.
1. The only thing we have to fear
Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
In his first inaugural address on March 4, 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
promised the nation a brighter future. Roosevelt was elected during the Great
Depression, a difficult time for the people of the United States.
What did President Roosevelt mean by this remark? Describe a time when fear
held you back? When can fear be helpful? When can it be harmful?
Required: 3-5 paragraphs using complete sentences, facts to support your
conclusions, and clearly expressed opinions.
2. I have a dream.

Required: 3-5 paragraphs using complete sentences, facts to support your

conclusions, and clearly expressed opinions.

Grading Rubric
The 8 9 Essay
Contains a well-developed thesis that clearly addresses the question.
Effectively analyzes of all parts of the question, although treatment may be
somewhat uneven.
Provides substantial, relevant outside information to support thesis.
Is well organized and well written.
May contain minor errors.
The 5 7 Essay
Contains a thesis, which may be partially developed, that addresses the question.
Not as focused or comprehensive as above.
Analyzes all parts of the question in some depth, but may focus more
substantially on one part.
Supports thesis with some relevant outside information.
Has acceptable organization and writing.
May contain errors that do not seriously detract from the quality of the essay.
The 2 4 Essay
Presents a limited, confused, and/or poorly developed thesis, or presents no
Analysis deals with only one aspect of the question in a general way, or all parts in
a superficial way with simplistic explanations.
Contains little relevant information, information that is inaccurate or irrelevant, or
may contain only generalizations.
Demonstrates weak organization and/or writing skills that interfere with
May contain major errors.
The 0 1 Essay
Contains no thesis or a thesis that does not address the question, or simply
restates the question.
Demonstrates inadequate or inaccurate understanding of the question.
Includes no relevant information on the topic.
Is disorganized and poorly written.
May contain numerous errors, both major and minor.

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