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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015 STCN 210 at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:01 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President ________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President ________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative ________
Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative ________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Mark Vargas, At-Large Representative _________
Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative _________
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative _________
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative ________
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes unanimously with abstention from those who were absent last week (Luke, Myra, and Jarrod) and Lynn, who
is late.


Public Comment None


Guest Speakers None


Old Business None


New Business
REPA 20150520 End of Year Project (Eric Sype)

Eric: With the way things have been playing out, I think it would be influential after we talk about this someone from
the resolution should motion to add that item. We havent made as much change this year as we had hoped to.
What can we get done in the next two weeks? I pitched this idea to Manuel, Myra, and Monica, and theyve drafted
this resolution. So, to everyone else, what do you want to get done in your last two weeks?
Braden: Im meeting with Chuck Porter at the end of the week to discuss disability services on campus. If anyone
else has questions concerning this, theyre welcome to work with me.
Luke: OIT has a five year plan
Braden: Yes, this would be a modification.
Eric: It would also be fruitful to get ideas out there if you want to discuss them.
Kristen: A potential project could be to reassess mandatory reporting. SOF is having a discussion that is structured
in a fishbowl style. If someone wanted to write something up that would be good.
Eric: If someone wanted to write a resolution demanding a clear definition for what mandatory reporting looks like,
that would be great.
Meg: What if someone submitted a petition regarding the merger?
Eric: That would be important to do.

Raquel: That would mean a lot, especially at the end of the year.
Kristen: Also someone in this body needs to be held accountable for ensuring that it gets done.
Meg: I feel like this has been a big conversation across campus and I dont foresee getting signatures to be
Myra: Is the signature portion paper or electronic?
Eric: Electronic.
Monica: So does SGSU act as a facilitator for a student led initiative for We the Redhawks?
Eric: Yes. 250 signatures and SGSU backs it. 500 and it goes to the appropriate administrator.
Monica: Does it conflict with our existing resolution?
Eric: No, I view it as strengthening.
Braden: But would it get any different of a response?
Eric: It carries more weight.
Raquel: My question is, what does the format look like? How do we juxtapose these two items to make it make
sense? How do we present this to the students in a way that isnt coercive?
Eric: Weve constructed a document that shows our support for a group of student voices.
Monica: Lets have a more general conversation. Were going to talk about the resolution anyway.
Eric: Meaning?
Monica: I think our goal for the next two weeks should be to have an internal conversation about how we navigate
larger issues. Regarding our particular resolution, I think it would be great if we couldve foreseen this We the
Redhawks Petition conversation.
Eric: These are all the types of questions that you should be dialoguing with your successors about as well.
Manuel: I move to add a discussion item about the OMA/ISC merger resolution.
Myra: Seconded.
Raquel: Motion passes with abstention from Luke.
Luke: I dont think this is something our group should be discussing because its not a student issue.
Braden: I move to add an agenda item about final examination scheduling and Disability Services.
Owen: Seconded.
Raquel: Motion passes unanimously.
REPA 20150520 OMA-ISC Merger (Manuel, Myra, Monica, Jaden)

Myra: Some of the facts: things are being moved around over the summer and in September OMA and ISC will be
merged to the Pavilion location where ISC currently is and where New Student and Family Programs currently is.
The OMA lounges will remain student lounge spaces, but the office portion of the current OMA office will be offices
for the new Center for Transitions. Tiffany Gray will be the executive director of the combined merger. Ryan Greene
will be the associate director.
Monica: Theres currently an unfilled administrative assistant position for OMA which will be dissolved and Sabina
Neems position as Associate Director of OMA will not be rehired.
Manuel: The intention is to respond and support the student voices that are being heard on campus and begin
changing the campus climate.
Jaden: International students face many barriers when we come here which is why many international students
have been passive to this process. Many of them do not understand and/or are not informed. Just because they are
passive does not mean that they support these changes. It seems to me that the administration views this passivity
as support and they are taking advantage of this. These changes are not conducive to the well-being of the ISC
Manuel: We want to build and empower for students, not for SGSU to take power and ownership.
Monica: Has everyone had the opportunity to review the resolution? Okay. Do we want to talk through each clause?
Great. Lets begin here. Does anyone want to comment about this first clause?
Eric: We could make this document more powerful if it was leaner. Stylistically.
Owen: What do you mean? Could you be more specific?
Eric: We could be more concise with the point were making.
Sarah: I think we could combine the first and second whereas.
Raquel: Im calling on myself. I think it should be address and amend instead of just amend.

Kristen: Why the ISC?

Monica: Its how students name these offices in daily conversation.
Kelsey: Why were Kayla and I not copied on the email?
Monica: I didnt use the listserv because I wanted to make sure people would read it before rep via personal emails
which I believe are more frequently checked.
Myra: We need to change LGBTQ to LGBTQ+
Raquel: Does OMA and ISC include any other groups besides international students, LGBTQ+, and people of
Manuel: Historically, additionally undocumented students receive services from OMA.
Jarrod: Do we have to name the groups?
Monica: I think theres value in naming them and specifically identifying who this impacts.
Jordan: As a queer person of color I would caution against calling out groups.
Myra: *Didnt catch the comment*
Monica: Because the document is so lengthy, we can make changes throughout and cut in other places.
Eric: Student than they not student than the
Braden: of the staff to student ratio needs to be trimmed.
Eric: That last point right there could be cut because its the gist of the next clause.
Jordan: Do you have quantitative data about the communities these offices serve?
Monica: Owen brought up a really good point about this clause.
Owen: Im confused on where we have data to support that students are unhappy about this. It appears as though
there is more anecdotal evidence than significant evidence in relation to the administration.
Manuel: If someone follows through with the We the Redhawks petition then we have that.
Braden: But dont you need a 30% response rate?
Manuel: Does that matter? All students matter.
Braden: I think it could make our argument stronger.
Myra: Were responding to students speaking out around campus over and over again.
Meg: I think taking out this section isnt going to hurt this document. The Petition could only support it more.
Eric: Were not trying to combat the survey, Braden. It hasnt come out yet.
Sarah: I agree with taking it out because the existence of this document makes this clause redundant.
Owen: I think we should keep the highlighted clause because we should make use of the data.
Myra: Who wants to leave the data piece there? None? Great.
Raquel: I love the wording of this structural scaffolding but it is a little unclear.
Mauel: Scaffolding was Micheles choice of words.
Kristen: The problem might be this.
Monica: Intention is to address the whole of the Student Development reorganization.
Eric: It makes more sent to say the instead of this.
Mallory: Are you saying the administration was not transparent?
Eric: I think its a reference to the conversations.
Monica: I couldnt find the right word without making this sound really accusatory.
Raquel: Expressed?
Owen: I liked assumption.
Monica: How does everyone feel about this piece?
Raquel: Should it be and that?
Monica: Is this clause even needed?
Raquel: Why did you put it in there?
Monica: Showing the side/intentions of Student Development administrators.
Meg: If we keep it, then we should move it.
Eric: We need to add negatively here. But that goes to Mallory because she suggested it. Snaps.
Matt: Have we explained why it will have a negative effect? Like, should we move this?
Myra: It could be moved.
Matt: I just think it should be demonstrated.

Jordan: Be careful about your wording in this section.

Myra: Students may not feel safe in the old OMA lounge after the merge because the office on the other side is no
longer OMA.
Mallory: I think this is an opportunity for SGSU to use very strong language with the administration in this resolution.
Also, be conscious about what your goal is.
Owen: I think we should talk about our goal.
Braden: We should separate this sentence because it feels like two points.
Jordan: If we keep these comments about safe spaces, then we need to add that there is no guarantee for safe
spaces. We need to address the lack of safety in these spaces. Also, other students are losing all of their spaces
and that needs to be taken into account.
Raquel: Now is a good time to discuss our goal.
Eric: One of you who composed this should articulate your goal for this piece.
Monica: I was thinking that this would be a way for Fr. Steve to see this student concern and also we need to look at
the real possibility of the merger happening and where SGSU stands with supporting students.
Eric: Really quick, Fr. Steve doesnt have to sign this document.
Myra: We need to set next years SGSU up for success by not being a joke to our constituents. This is a call to
action by the students to us. As a representative, if my constituents are upset about something, then I feel an
obligation to make change on their behalf.
Kelsey: If you want to make this stronger and have the administration take you seriously, then list specifics of what
changes you want to see instead.
Myra: Bernie told us that with resolutions there comes a cover letter that would explain things more specifically.
Eric: Ive never seen a cover letter attached. We could attach that, but we also need to talk to about the goals. We
need to flesh out what our intentions are.
Kristen: I think the administration has placed the students in a position to not fix this as quickly as we could.
Raquel: Are we sure they didnt talk to any students?
Manuel: Yes.
Monica: I went to the two initial Town Halls and it was simply a conversation and not a presentation. It was not
communicated clearly or directly that these two offices would be merged.
Jaden: We werent really allowed to inform students.
Eric: One of the goals is that students need to be brought into the conversation earlier and, two, were they brought
in a way that allowed them to be heard and informed in a real way?
Raquel: What do we want for the students?
Braden: I think saying we need continued conversation in order for this to be productive is important.
Owen: An approach to take would be to hold off until we can synthesize the data from the Campus Climate survey.
Myra: I wrote this piece as well *reads*
Sarah: I think thats the best route to go. The merger is happening and if our goal to stop it then well look like a joke
because its happening anyway. If we pass a resolution to have a conversation or many, this could be more useful.
Kristen: I think it is important to say halt it. I think theres room for it to be changed.
Sarah: I agree that saying stop is a powerful tool. But the communication aspect emphasis would be more
Braden: I think it would be important to highlight the changes theyre okay with making.
Eric: I propose that we make a change that reads like this... *reads* I think this would be more productive than
flipping the middle finger to the administration.
Monica: Do you foresee this process taking place over the next academic year?
Eric: Yes, but also the university is going to keep moving forward. Without the student voice on campus.
Mallory: You can say something in your resolution about giving time in the fall for conversations to be had.
Raquel: What do you need from the group before yall work some more on this.
Monica: We should clarify what the therefore, let it be resolved sections. *Reads changes*
Eric: If we could be stronger on the better communication portion that would be great.
Owen: Also, timing should be addressed.
Raquel: A draft should go out on Monday.
Eric: We should also send our comments to them.


REPA 20150520 Finals Schedule Changes (Braden)

Braden: Proposed finals schedule change. I met with the cabinet this week concerning testing services. Theres a
proposal to better accommodate all student finals which would have the benefit of helping disability services. This
change allows for the disassociation of testing times and time of classes. This proposal better distributes high
volume testing times. This proposal has been heavily supported. My goal is to send this out this week. Questions?
Matt: The times youre disassociating is just for disability students, correct?
Braden: No. It would be to change the schools finals schedule.
Matt: What does this change look like?
Braden: *explains*
Eric: You mentioned that students have to sit in the room for the entire period of time. Is that a university policy?
Braden: I dont know, I could look into that.
Sarah: Point of clarification, you can leave earlier, but the space is reserved for that student for the whole time.
Izzy: If the schedule is more evenly distributed, would there be tests on Friday?
Braden: Yes. When I assemble a resolution I will send it out.
Owen: Whats your timeframe?
Braden: Next years SGSU, fall quarter.
Matt: Do you want feedback now?
Braden: Not necessarily.
Officer Reports:
A Eric Sype-President:
a Mallory and I sent out the applications for next years positions.
b Thanks for a really great conversation today.
B Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President:
b Next week is our last official rep assembly. Theoretically, the night of the banquet, we could pass something
then. But it would be nice if we could just wrap things up.
C Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance:
a June 6th, the books will be closed.
b Send me your receipts. Cough cough. Luke and Jordan.
D Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a Meetings with Paul.
b Helping Paul with summer work.
E Representatives
a Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:
i Volunteers for Senior Soiree.
b Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative:
i Resolution.
c Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i Resolution.
d Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i Nothing to report.
e Mark Vargas, At-Large Representative:
i Left early.
f Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i Next Thursday, SGSUs supporting an event called The Angry Asian. From 6-7:30, next Thursday in
Pigott 202.
g Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i Nothing to report.
h Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i Nothing to report.
i Jarrod Gallagher, Non-traditional Rep:
i Nothing to report.
j Jaden Phan, International Representative:

i Nothing to report.
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:
i Students with Disabilities Coalition was re-chartered as a club.
l Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative:
i Nothing to report.
m Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i Nothing to report.
n Kristen Wieliczka, Civic Engagement Director:
i Nothing to report.
o Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i Graphics.
p Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i Nothing to report.
a Kayla Zobel:
i Mark your calendars, on the day of your last rep assembly we will have snacks in the STAC office.
b Kelsey Nerland:
i Nothing to report.


Committee Reports
a This is Seattle U display will be posted shortly!
b RZ First Friday Donuts!
B Steering:
a June 3rd banquet.
b Events document.
C Finance:
a May 30th is our last day for appropriations. PIGT 204.
b Im extending the deadline until next Tuesday.
D University Affairs:
a Half of our backdrop came in.


Mallory: Thanks yall for having me.
Raquel: The banquet is more formal.
Eric: If you wanna help me look as fresh as possible for SS, I welcome the assistance.
Kristen: Life in My Body is happening next Thursday.
Adjournment at 7:51 PM

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