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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2015 STCN 210 at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:03 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President ________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative absent____
Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative absent___
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Mark Vargas, At-Large Representative _________
Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative _________
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative _________
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative absent____
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes unanimously with abstention from those who are currently absent and were absent last week.


Public Comment None


Guest Speakers None


Old Business None

REPA 20150506 Summer Executive Stipend (Eric Sype)

Eric: Before I get into this proposal, I would like to apologize for the miscommunication from last week concerning
this stipend issue. I would like to reframe this conversation as something that could be really beneficial for future
SGSU and Ive invited Bernie Liang into this conversation to provide some perspective as an advisor who has seen
the summer work by SGSU in action. We need to provide a summer stipend because there is work that must be done
over the summer which keeps SGSU connected to whats going on around campus (ensures that a student voice is
present) and makes leadership more accessible. We receive a US Bank Royalty Check every year for $10,000 and
we have no plan for its use. It creates a safety net for SGSU but it could also be much more than a safety net. Im
asking for $1,000 for a single summer. My ask is a simple one: SGSU should appropriate $1,000 from reserves to
compensate work done on SGSUs behalf over the summer and that we determine the stipulations as a body.
Braden: If this passed today, what would the timeline be for determining these stipulations?
Eric: Thats a part of the conversation.
Sarah: How many people?
Eric: My original thought was the president, but it doesnt necessarily make sense to do that if theyre unavailable.
Braden: Bernie, have you seen meaningful work done over the summer by a non-executive member?
Bernie: No.
Izzy: Opening this up to staff members could be really useful as well. For example, I couldnt overhaul the website
over the summer the way I wanted to.
Kristen: Why not?

Izzy: There wasnt enough money in the student employment fund.

Bernie: We came up with a list of pros and cons, as advisors, for your organization. The university continues to
function over the summer and there is necessarily work to be done. You have the funding. There are some things we
need to talk about. The university needs to have a contact. Last summer was Raquel (the EVP) and the years before
that were the presidents. The logistical part of this is crucial as well because there is a lot of structuring and
organization for the coming year that takes place over the summer. This could take away from student programming,
but this is also a pilot program and could set a standard.
Jordan: When are we hiring the new assistant director?
Bernie: Were in phone interviews next week and wed like to bring three candidates to campus before the end of the
year for you all to meet.
Braden: Are we going to have a schedule of work for people to do over the summer?
Bernie: Excellent point. The ambiguity needs to be discussed.
Kristen: I worked over the summer and didnt get paid very much. My position should be overhauled then.
Eric: I agree that there is a severe under-compensation for student leaders across campus which is why I think this
stipend could make this position more accessible.
Sarah: Does this need to be in the by-laws?
Raquel: No, because this isnt compensation.
Eric: Ive talked about having a more permanent by-law change, but wed need to make a change and operate under
that change and then put it on the ballot in the fall.
Braden: If we are having a productive discussion, then we should limit the conversation to people who are going to
get the lions share of the funding. Also, if youre talking about making this a summer job, then this will alter the type
of person who seeks office.
Eric: Thats the idea behind making this position flexible so multiple people could have access to funding.
Jordan: Is this an opportunity for the university to reach out to a broader range of students? Something like a
committee position.
Kristen: In other organizations there are students who work over the summer without compensation.
Owen: Most leadership positions on campus are under-paid or not paid at all. If our goal is to make student leadership
more accessible maybe we should begin paying clubs.
Izzy: I think we need to also look at our history and set this precedent. The precedent should be that students get
paid for their work.
Mark: As representatives, we have a responsibility to our constituents. Our positions carry a certain amount of weight
with both the students and the administration and we have a responsibility to bridge the gap. Working over the summer
helps bridge the gap.
Monica: Im hearing a couple of things What if were more innovative? What if we were all here a few days before
school started.
Raquel: I see what youre saying and there is a lot to be done during the months that lead up to school. Being in
communication with the university over the summer is really important.
Eric: If we went with your suggestion, it would be a really front-loaded year and that weight falls on the shoulders of
the EVP or something in a similar position.
Kristen: We should not be the power-holders, we should be empowering. We need to broaden our mindset.
Meg: What if we were able to compensate someone who was working on behalf of SGSU over the summer?
Kristen: I was a student response over the summer concerning a couple of different issues and the administration
never really reached out to me.
Mark: The University runs throughout the summer and the other organizations dont necessarily have representatives
on campus and the world keeps turning and we have a responsibility to provide the administration with results.
Jordan: No, we have a responsibility to represent our constituents and advocate on their behalf. We dont have to be
buddy-buddy with the administration.
Raquel: I would also like to remind us all that we have a lot of logistical work to do over the summer for this body.
Eric: Over the summer the administration reaches out for different student perspectives and the person who receives
this stipend can act as a facilitator for connecting people.
Owen: Couldnt this just be done over email?
Eric: Yes, but 50% of the work I do is email.


Monica: Raquel, could you speak to what you did over the summer?
Raquel: I looked over legacy documents from Mallory and Eric Chalmers and began composing lists. Training took
roughly two days to plan. There are calendars to compose. I had to determine what strategic approach I was going
to take. I had to plan the exec training. I had to cultivate all the materials for those trainings. I went to meetings with
athletics, public safety, committees about the red hawk experience, and several others things.
Bernie: A couple of things: one, make some motions to see where you all are. Two, the University will still go to SGSU
for student information because that is the existing structure. You all can do what you want, but lets be clear that
there is an existing structure to work within.
Eric: I completely agree with Bernie. I think we should take a vote concerning the funding of this stipend.
Owen: After the second meeting weve had, I still agree with Monica. I move to not appropriate the summer stipend.
Manuel: I second.
Raquel: The motion passes to not appropriate $1,000.
Eric: I seek a motion to add an agenda item.
Owen: So moved.
Braden: Seconded.
Raquel: Motion passes unanimously.
New Business
REPA 20150513 Quadstock Table (Eric Sype)


Eric: We had a miscommunication with SEAC concerning our table at Quadstock. We might as well just go with last
years motif: Pie and SGSU member in the face. We can make it lighthearted and fun.
Raquel: Last year there was a build-up.
Meg: If we already agreed to volunteer for Quadstock, then would this count?
Manuel: Point of information, you should have already received an email concerning your volunteer assignment.
Eric: How many people would be interested? Eight-ish? Great. (Raquel, Mark, Isheeta, Braden, Meg, Manuel, Owen)
Owen: What if you dont have a Quadstock ticket?
Eric: You can still access the Union Green.
Raquel: Logistically, we cant pie someone continually for five hours.
Kristen: We could vote and then pie on the hour.
Eric: I dont want to spend the whole time on this
Bernie: Form a committee, maybe?
Eric: Yes, who is interested in working on this with me? Kristen? Great.
Owen: Are we going to be passing out any information..?
Eric: Well have some swag and stuff!
Owen: Izzy, how many how you get involved? thingies do we have?
Izzy: A few Ill make something cheaper.
Matt: Can we invite the new group?
Eric: Totally.
Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. Tobacco Free Task Force meeting yesterday. Paul DeWater is taking over that position. Izzy is working on signage.
b. Working with Mallory on transition.
B) Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President:
C) Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance:
a. Closing the books on June 6th.
b. Please send me your receipts.
D) Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Constituent concerns.
b. Academic assembly changed policy concerning the above issue Passed unanimously!
c. Academic assembly passed a statement on divestment.
E) Representatives

a. Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:

i. Absent.
b. Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
c. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. Absent.
d. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. Brochure payment.
e. Mark Vargas, At-Large Representative:
i. Meeting with my successor.
f. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
g. Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i. Town Hall meeting!
ii. Conversations concerning commuter interests.
h. Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i. Preparing for Town Hall.
i. Jarrod Gallagher, Non-traditional Rep:
i. Absent.
j. Jaden Phan, International Representative:
i. Town Hall meeting!
k. Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:
i. Presentation I attended with Eric was great!
ii. Fairtrade coffee will be available on campus in the fall!
iii. On the 19th, I will be making a presentation to the cabinet on disability services on campus.
l. Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
m. Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
n. Kristen Wieliczka, Civic Engagement Director:
i. Meetings.
o. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. Public Safety infographic
ii. This is Seattle U project.
p. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. Nothing to report.
F) Advisors
a. Kayla Zobel:
i. Nothing to report.
b. Kelsey Nerland:
i. Nothing to report.
c. Bernie Liang:
i. Nothing to report.

Committee Reports
a. This is Seattle U display will be posted shortly!
B. Steering:
a. Retreat: 10:30am-5pm (ish) on Sunday.
b. Might go to Alki for a BBQ, but the weather is questionable.
c. Dont forget about the events policy change.
d. June 3rd Rep is our banquet!
C. Finance:
a. Mark your calendars, May 20th: request forms are due. May 30th is our last meeting. $8,000 is being appropriated.
b. Retreat presentation.
D. University Affairs:


The UA legacy document has begun.

Monica: Whos going to the Town Hall tomorrow?
Adjournment at 7:09 PM

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