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This week in FLK..


LOTS of them!
We also celebrated Vanessas 6th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Vanessa!!

In Language: We worked on information about the Painted Lady Butterfly. We
practiced printing the lower case letters that are the same as their upper case
partner : c, o, s, v, w. Miss Evans began her morning messages again to work on the
skills of writing. We reviewed the language skills of the Early Literacy Inventory, a
2nd year Kindergarten assessment. Mrs. Hickey began assessing each 2 nd year
student using this assessment. Whew! We are all finding it easy peasy!

Miss Mason continued reading the Junie B. Jones short novel to the children, and
renewed books.
Gym: We continued to work on kicking skills. We played Red Light, Green Light and
worked in partners to practice kicking, stopping (or trapping) the ball and returning
it to our partner. Then, remaining in pairs, we worked on throwing and catching.
On Friday, we headed back out on the big kids climber/soccer field/ hill. If
Freedom 55 is anything like the freedom your children show during this
unstructured time, Im IN!!!!
Religion: We combined Science, Language and Religion this week. We were ALL
ABOUT butterflies again!
Science: We watched our bean plant grow its flower is ready to bloom!
We watched our caterpillars crawl out of their chrysalis! We have 28 butterflies
to date!
First we noticed the chrysalis become quite translucent so we could clearly see the
wing colors, then we saw the chrysalis split along the back allowing the butterfly to
push with its legs and push itself out of the chrysalis. Wow! We noticed some red
liquid in the butterfly enclosure. This is metabolic waste or stuff that the
butterfly doesnt need now that it isnt a caterpillar any more! Some websites
describe it as excess coloring from the wings. It is NOT blood!
Most of the butterflies emerged on Wednesday morning. We spent a lot of time in
quiet observation. It was a truly remarkable morning! The awe of Gods nature at
its very best!!
In Art: Miss Evans worked on a SECRET project with the children. Ahem!
In Music, Drama and Dance: We danced to Flight of the Bumblebee however in
spirit of the week and the release party we danced like butterflies! During the
dance many of us decided that we wanted something to eat so we drank nectar
from two flowers that were in a vase in the classroom!
In Mathematics: We used a number line 1-10 to re-discuss that numbers are
arranged in order from smallest to biggest and that numbers increase by 1 along
our number line. We also discussed how to know which of 2 given numbers is bigger

than the other. Finally, we discussed and practiced how to use the number line to
find how much bigger a given number is than another. We used the 10- frame to
work on estimating. Each child had to pull what they thought was 10 counters out
of a bin and then arrange the counters on the 10-frame to see how close they
actually were. Then we discussed whether they were high or low and how they
knew. The answers for how do you know were impressive! We worked again on
identifying ordinal numbers.
In Personal and Social Development: we worked on some clean up malfunctions
that have been occurring.
In Inquiry/Directed Play: Miss Evans planted a butterfly garden in the court yard
with the children. We released our butterflies there during a special ceremony
before heading back to class for a butterfly-ish snack.
In early June, Chris Hadfield is going to have a conversation with the students of
St. Mark School via Skype. Miss Evans began introducing space/astronauts/Chris
We noticed the castle blocks had some heavy usage this week as they were reintroduced into the classroom. Gabriela began using them to build UP and this
sparked a whole flurry of tall buildings! Before, these blocks were used to build
ACROSS. Interesting!

Upcoming Events:
Friday June 5 - Grade 8 fundraiser pizza lunch if ordered
Monday June 8 PD Day no school for students
Wednesday June 10 school Mass
Thursday June 11 FDK end of the year trip to Circle R Ranch morning only
parents more than welcome to meet us there! Information to follow in mailbags
Sunday June 14 Fathers Day

Wednesday June 17 Growing Ceremony for 2nd year students

Thursday June 25 last day of school
Friday June 26 PD Day no school for students

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