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Did You Know?

The Industrial Revolution

It was an economic revolution, meaning it changed the
way the world produced goods.
The population went from being agricultural to industrial.
This meant that people moved off farms and out of the
country to live in cities.
There were many advancements in technology that were
made as during the Industrial Revolution.
The assembly line was one of the biggest inventions
produced during the revolution. Henry Ford is credited for
There was great advancements made in steam power.
New fuels such as coal and petroleum were used in steam
engines. This revolutionised many industries including
textiles and manufacturing.
Companies were more efficient, producing massive
amounts of products and earning bigger profits.
The telegraph was invented, making communication
across the ocean much easier and faster than ever before.
Messages could be sent and received in a matter of
minutes. Sending letters had taken weeks!
Advances in farming resulted in an increased supply of
food and raw materials. This led to increased production of
thousands of goods.
The Industrial Revolution was not a good revolution for the
earth. The industry was releasing huge amounts of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere and waste into waterways

and soil. Pollution by nuclear waste, pesticides and other

chemicals also occurred.
In reality, the Industrial Revolution began two centuries
before the generally accepted date of 1750. The
inventions, changes in production and technological
advancements of the revolution in 1750-1850 were really
the result of the ideas and discoveries made by those who
had lived long before them, such as Galileo, Bacon,
Descartes and others.

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