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Katherine Kania


10670 Haven Brook Place

San Diego, CA

Im the Treasurer of TPPlayers, my high schools theater club, and I have
participated in eight of TPPlayers productions. Im familiar with several aspects of
theater, including: Acting, stage management, directing, lighting design, set
construction, costume design, sound, hair/makeup, and writing.
Acting 2011-Present
- Claudette Rivre in Is He Dead? by Mark Twain
- Aphrodite in Argonautika by Mary Zimmerman
- Outlaw #1 in Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare
- Girl in Gossamer Dress (Pearl White Impersonator) in Chamber Music by Arthur
- Margaret in Becoming Memories by Arthur Giron
- Queen of Spirits in Across the Mountain by Mackenzie Bath (Original)
Stage Manager 2013-Present
- The Light in the Piazza by Craig Lucas
- Nine by Arthur Kopit
Lighting 2011-Present
- Hung Pierglass by Tim Norton
- Cabled Becoming Memories by Arthur Giron
Set Construction 2011-Present
- Pierglass by Tim Norton
- Argonautika by Mary Zimmerman
- Chamber Music by Arthur Kopit
- Becoming Memories by Arthur Giron
- Nine by Arthur Kopit
Film - Present
- Portrayed Trinity in a film project based off of a novel by writer David Fermer
(Intended for German audiences)
- Acting I
- Advanced Acting Honors

- Costume Design History

- Best Stage Manager for Light in the Piazza by Craig Lucas
- Best Ensemble for Argonautika by Mary Zimmerman
- Award of Excellence for Becoming Memories by Arthur Giron, presented by the
California Educational Theatre Association

Future Projects
May 2015

- Alice Kinnian in a re-adaptation of Flowers for Algernon originally written by

Daniel Keyes; Adaptation written by Godfrey Flax
Marinee Payne: Theater Teacher/Director -
Letter available upon request


Additional Extracurriculars
- I created my own company called SoCal Jewels, where I make and sell handmade jewelry. Provided on my website is also an option for my customers to
donate to feed the poor. With these donations, I pack up meals and distribute
them to the homeless of downtown San Diego. 2014-Present

- I work at a local film company called Lime-Lighted Productions, where I work not
only as a salesperson but also as a filmographer. We usually film local
cheerleading competitions and dance recitals. 2011-Present

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