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Brevin Stallings

735 McCants Drive Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464

Phone: (843) 884-7756 E-Mail:


One of my life goals is to become a lawyer. I do not a preference of any type of lawyer. I should say my
goal is more to pass the bar. Seeing as I did reach my goal, I find it a very reasonable for me to be able to
perform well in this job.

Mock Trial

September, 2013- May, 2018

Mock trial is exactly what it sounds like. It is a mock trial. It consists of practicing hard for many months
with a team of people, learning all the information of a given case, and conducting the case against other
teams as either a lawyer or a witness.
T.V. Shows

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I know T.V. shows are never accurate but I think it still shows my enthusiasm with the profession.

High school

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I have completed one year of high school with about a 4.00 GPA

I am very good at debating and making a point using, of course, evidence. Having taken a law class I
understand how a courtroom works and the procedures that take place during a case. I am also
knowledgeable in objecting and how to coach a witness to be prepared for examining in court.

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