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Ethan Beaulieu
Mr. King
Pre-ap English 2
5, 28 2015

Argumentative Essay
A young Jewish boy discovered the kingdom of night. I remember his bewilderment, I
remember his anguish. It all happened so fast. The ghetto. The deportation. The sealed cattle car.
The fiery altar upon which the history of our people and the future of mankind were meant to be
sacrificed. I remember: he asked his father: Can this be true? This is the twentieth century, not
the middle ages. Who could allow such crimes to be committed? How could the world remain
silent? This is Elie Wiesel sharing his childhood memories at the Nobel Peace prize award
ceremony. Elie grew up in the middle of the most violent and brutal war in history. An entire
generation, haunted by the memories of a childhood filled with war. With the aggressive
interventions the United States can stop the loss of another generation to these wars.
A majority of the wars that occur today start as small isolated skirmishes before
escalating into full on war. It is very important that the United States extinguishes the sparks
before they erupt into the flames of war. There are many such cases in which the United States
has waited to long to intervene in a conflict and in the end it has made us pay not only with the
blood of their people, but with the lives of the soldiers who fought. At the very start of WW2
there was a debate whether the United States should become involved in the affairs of Europe.
During the time that it took them to decide, Germany had nearly doubled the amount of land it
had seized and had killed hundreds of thousands. Now at this point Germany and its allies were
nearly knocking on Americas door leaving them with no choice but to get involved in the


conflict. Had America gotten involved in the crisis sooner, the catastrophe would not have been
anywhere near the size it was and many lives would have been saved. The longer one waits the
more time they have to amass power and weapons.
The United States intervention in these countries would not only save lives but would
develop new trade ties with the countries. After a stable government has been set and all
corruption has been vanquished, the newly appointed government will begin to trade with the
United States for simple supplies such as food, oil, and textiles. This has been seen in numerous
occasions. After WW1 several nations occupied Germany to help rebuild its economy and
infrastructure as well as keep an eye on their military operations. Another instance would be how
after Hiroshima the United States rebuilt and established deep trading ties which are still present
to this day. This does not only benefit their country but the United States too. It gives the United
States businesses a chance to appeal to a previously untapped market and opportunity to expand
company operations into another country.
This also brings in the question of morality. One easily have the means by which to help
these people with little to no sacrifice from the average American citizen. According to Jen F.
Laurson and George A. Peiler a malaria vaccination costs only 12 cents. With a single dollar up
to 8 lives could be saved and changed forever. According to the UNICEF as many 600 million
people suffer from malaria every year. Ninety percent of the cases happen in Sub-Saharan Africa
where medical care is not readily available. With aggressive intervention these countries would
now have access to clean water medical care and, sanitary restrooms. The United States has the
ability to save millions of lives but simply lacks the morals to do so. With intervention the United
States would be able to change that.


With these in mind can with a clear consciousness can one refuse to help these people.
The trade ties developed with the countries will more than pay for the cost of the resources and
sacrifice the United States spent helping these people. While people sit on their home watching
television, drinking purified water and enjoying the air conditioning; there are people all over the
word searching for their next meal, sleeping in bomb shelters, or sitting in homemade hospital
beds while their body is attacked by a virus they are too weak to fight.

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