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APPROVED 6/2/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of May 12, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, John Short, John Chapman, Dan Otis
Absent: Dave Gilman, Jim Graham, Nancy Hall, Pam Cunningham
Homeowners Present: Bob Stallman

Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:02 pm by Acting-president Ted Seble

The meeting for this month was delayed until the second week of May due the unavailability of the
usual Fire Station meeting room.
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting January 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the April
minutes as submitted by John Chapman, seconded by John Short, and all Board members present


President: Acting Ted Seble
Pamela Cunningham was approved as the new safety chairman.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted is acting as President.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave was absent but provided the April 2015 meeting minutes to the Board by email.
Jim Short took notes for this meeting and Dave will put in the minutes format.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman delivered the HOA annual dues billings to the post office.
He reported that the Sunset garbage bill for the drop boxes was $300 less than projected.
He noted that a few houses are getting caught up on past due dues.
He will provide an accounting report at the next meeting
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim was absent
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan reported the Lita Glassleys issue is still open and he is researching. He has not discussed
with the issues with the occupants (rental). Dan was asked to report back to John Chapman
who will send a letter to the owners. The owners have moved to Pensacola, Fla.
Dan described a complaint from Mrs. Farrah about a tool shed on 95th Court. The plastic tool
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Prepared by John Short/ Dave Gilman

APPROVED 6/2/2015

shed should be behind the fence and the previously approved shed. Dan will follow up.
Dan said there a complaint about a boat in a driveway on 95th Court. Dan will follow up.

Architectural: John Short

John Short approved a tree removal for Don Wenlund at 9941 SE Kela Place.
He approved a tree removal fro Rebecca Steed at 9911 SE Kela Place.
Safety: Pam Cunningham
Pam is the new Safety Chairman, but was absent.

Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall

Nancy was absent. She was attending the Happy Valley Planning Commission meeting.

Open Forum
There was discussion about with Mrs. Mick and branches from her neighbor over hanging her
There was discussion about the open positions on the Board. It was concluded that Ted would
continue to act as President thru the July meeting.

Adjournment: at 8:05 pm by Ted

Next Regular Board Meetings: June 2, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of
the month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by John Short/ Dave Gilman

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