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Writting: Sant Jordi 2015

Elaines suicide
Some years ago, there was a pretty little girl named Elaine. She had
fair hair, brown eyes and she was a thin girl. Elaine had always been a
smiling girl, funny and friendly with everybody. But one day, all these
things changed.
When she had to go to high school, all her friends were separated
from her, and Elaine became a sad girl. She only had one friend, and
he lived in another city.
The days were passing, but she couldnt make new friends. Elaine
began to receive some strokes from so much people of the class and,
every day, when she arrived at home, she began to cry. Her parents
were so concerned because they didnt think it was normal the
change that her daughter had undergone. So, they decided to take
Elaine to the psychologist. But this psychologist was a very bad
person and, instead of helping Elaine, during various sessions he told
her things that made Elaines mental status get worse.
As the days were passing, the situation of Elaine didnt improve, and
Elaine, tired of everything, decided to commit suicide.

Rest in peace, Elaine.

Judith Alcaraz Snchez, 3A

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