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Leadership Unit plan 2015


School Sign
o One set group to do this
o 3 kids
o Peer Evaluate
o Names
1. One
2. Two
3. three
o One set Group
o Peer Evaluate
o Names
1. One (from Group A
2. Two (one from Group B)
3. Three (one from Group C)
4. Four(one from Group D)
Spirit Days
o Hold on Fridays
o Rotate groups to host their own Spirit day
o Make signup sheet to hold spirit days
o Evaluate each groups efforts to create the spirit day
o Teacher Evaluate
1. PJ day
2. Easter
3. Valentines
4. Mustang blue and red day
5. Crazy hair day
We Day
Buddy Groups
o Different groups of three to help out one day per week cycle
o Sign up sheet for your week
o Self Evaluate
o Groups of three
Pop Corn Sales
o Self Evaluate
o Entire class project
Mustang CafMiller picks two consistent members with one helper member
who will switch each week
o Journal with Ms Miller
o Must check in with me before they go
o Peer evaluation
Student Patrol

o Hallways
o Court Yard
o self evaluation
o switch groups each week
o sign up for a week
Bake Sales
o Participation surveys
o Self Evaluation
Bulletin Board
o Different Group Every week
o Each group has 3 days to update the board
o Peer Evaluation
Class of the Weekconsistent group
o One group of 4 does this
o Peer Evaluation


o For major assignments
o Minor assignments
o Create a rubric
o Provide an exemplar
o Show how to make on Google Docs

Daily Routines:

o Set up journaling activity from Day one
o Explain to have one file with a running dateadd to it every class time
o Explain action items and how they are related to their observations
o Put color in header of journal
o Teacher Evaluate
Seating plan according to groups of three
Assign colors

Do not:

Allow music on phones

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