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ABAFT: Toward the rear (stern) of the ship or behind.

ADRIFT: Loose not on mooring or towline.

AFTER PEAK: Enclosed space at the after end of the ship, below the main deck. Used
for ballast or fresh water.
AGROUND: Touching or fast to the bottom.
ANCHOR BALL: Black shape hoisted in forepart of a ship to show that the ship is
anchored in a fairway.
ATHWARTSHIPS: At right angles to the centerline of the ship.
AWEIGH: The position of anchor as it is raised clear of the bottom.
BALLAST: Water or other weight carried in a ship without profit.
BATTEN DOWN: Secure hatches and loose objects both within the hull and the deck.
BEARING: The direction of an object expressed either as a true bearing as shown on
the chart, or as a bearing relative to the heading of the boat.
BEND ON: Tie one rope to another.
BIGHT: The part of the rope or line, between the end and the standing part, on
which a knot if formed.
BILGE: Rounded part at the bottom of the ship where the ships side curves round
towards the keel.
BITTER END: The last part of a rope or chain. The inboard end of the anchor rode.
BOAT DECK: Upper deck upon which the lifeboats are stowed.
BOWLINE: A knot used to form a temporary loop in the end of a line.
BOWS-INN: Bind in tightly.
CARDINAL BUOY: Buoy, indicating N S E or W.
CARRY AWAY: An item of gear does not break off or become detached it carries
CEILING: Fixed wood floor on the tank top underneath a hatchway, to protect the
tank top.
CHAIN LOCKER: Where the anchor and cable is stowed.
COAMING: A vertical piece around the edge of a cockpit, hatch, etc. To prevent
water on deck from running below.
COME UP: Order to stop pulling on a rope and ease the strain so that the rope can
be secured.
COFFERDAM: A void space between two bulkheads or floors.

CRACK: To open a valve slightly.

CROWS NEST: A look-out position towards the top of the fore mast.
CURRENT: The horizontal movement of water.

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