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Synthetic Blood

Brought to you by Hill-Do-Osele Incorporated

(WATCH the video & ANSWER the Following Questions)
1. Every
_ seconds, someone in the U.S. requires blood.
2. Human blood is available, but may be contaminated with ________ or ______________
3. What was the doctors name? _________________ Where was he from? ______________
4. What are stem cells?
What was the initial news anchors name?
What was the TV station?
When does the show air?

1. Ever since
, many people tried to use fluids such as beer,
as a blood substitute.

, milk, and

2. In 1930,
, a physiologist at State College of Medicine in Memphis,
Tennessee, took red blood cells from cows and stripped away the cells' coating,
leaving the
. This was the first published trial. It revitalized patients
but in about 10 days the small HBOC (Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers) molecules
3. Free hemoglobin was found to be
to the kidneys, so hemoglobin was
modified by cross-linking, or recombination.

Potential Techniques
4. Recently scientists have tried to find a way to use
to create a blood
substitute. A way some studies found was by using
stem cells
removed from umbilical cord between the mother and fetus of humans after birth
using a method called blood

5. In 2007, scientists from the Chemistry Department of the University of

Sheffield created artificial blood from
. Unlike donated blood which has a
days, the artificial blood lasted longer without the need for
refrigeration. The "plastic" blood consists of an iron-containing_________
which is
permanently bonded to a
(HBP or dendrimer) "shell" which
protects the fragile porphyrin.
6. Reintroducing the hemoglobin into a patient's blood supply using synthetic blood
proves to be an effective
, at least temporarily. In one case where red
blood cells from a cow's stomach are
to perform the
function of blood, the process resulted in
. At first it revitalized
patients, but, in about 10 days, the small HBOC molecules caused kidney failure.

1. How does Oxycite work?
2. Why are Oxycite Particles so small?
3. The key to salvaging brain tissue is
4. What was the doctors name in this video?

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