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ROLL NO:2004333

1. The role of cloning in medicines.

Definition Of Cloning:
The word cloning is referred as making an identical copy which has a Greek
origin of “Asexual replication of an Organism” cloning has been used in various
fields of biology. So in simple word we define cloning like this:

Cloning is the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a

cell or an organism. Cloning happens often in nature—for example,
when a cell replicates itself asexually without any genetic alteration or

History Of Cloning:
The first study of cloning took place in 1885, when German scientist
Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch began researching reproduction. In 1902,
he was able to create a set of twin salamanders by dividing an embryo
into two separate, viable embryos. In 1996, first cloned animal called Dolly
was produced in Scotland using mature cells of mammary glands of a mature

Types Of Cloning:
Mainly there are 2 types of cloning

1.Natural Cloning:

Bacteria are capable of creating clones through a type of reproduction

called binary fission. In binary fission, the bacterial DNA is replicated and
the original cell is divided into two identical cells. In humans and other
mammals, the formation of identical twins is a type of natural cloning.

2.Artificial Cloning

There are three different types of artificial cloning:

I. Gene cloning

Gene cloning produces copies of genes or segments of DNA

ii. Reproductive cloning

Reproductive cloning produces copies of whole animals.

iii. Therapeutic cloning:

Therapeutic cloning could allow an individual's own cells to be used to

treat or cure that person's disease, without risk of introducing foreign
cells that may be rejected.

Cloning Process:
Cloning refers to the process of developing an embryo with the DNA from
an adult animal. The newly created embryo is then zapped with electricity
so that it starts multiplying, until it becomes a blastocyst (a small clump of
cells that forms after an egg is fertilized), which is then implanted into a
surrogate mother.

Application Of Cloning:
There are many types of applications in cloning in many different
departments. But it mostly uses in agricultural department and medical
department to make regenerative medicines and reproductive

Role Of Cloning In Medicines:

We all know that cloning is used to make many types of medicines in
medical science. Cloning is mostly used to make Regenerative
medicines and Reproductive medicines.

So there is a most use full process of cloning to make medicines is

Therapeutic cloning.

In therapeutic cloning process SPMATIC CELL NUCLEAR

TRANSFER(SCNT) is to create new embryonic stem cells. These cells
have been recognized in the scientific literature and by the NIH as
having important biological properties. Specifically, they can be turned
into any type of cell in the body. Therefore, they could provide the
scientific basis for research leading to cures and treatments for disease.
Human cloning has been used to produce early embryos, marking a
"significant step" for medicine. The cloned embryos were used as a
source of stem cells, which can make new heart muscle, bone, brain
tissue or any other type of cell in the body.
So there are many diseases such that Parkinson’s disease, Muscular
dystrophy, Diabetes(Type1), Polio, Bone tissue engineering etc
will be cured by cloning.
So there is a great impact of cloning to make medicines and cure

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