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Design Topic: Closing the Gap- Using Technology to improve Coordinate Algebra EOC Scores Subject: Coordinate Algebra

Designer: Amy Couchigian Lawson

Grade: 9th grade


Unit Title: Incorporating Technology to improve understanding in a mathematical standard.
Established Goals: Teachers will be able to effectively connect students to multiple online resources in order to
strengthen the understanding of standards included in Georgias Common Core Curriculum for 9 th Grade Coordinate
Understandings: Students will understand that
How to create and implement resource links into the highschool math curriculum that will give students important resources
in one link that can be accessed outside the classroom.
Students will know:
How to store math resources using Web 2.0 tools and implement them into the math curriculum.
Performance Tasks:

- Create a Thinglink for a math concept, that students will use to review math concepts at home before
coming to class.
- Create a survey that allows students will poll on its effectiveness of the Thinglink.
Key Criteria:

Thinklink must be created for an individual math standard/concept.

Provide multiple resources including notes, videos, examples, or practice.
Implement the Thinglink as a flipped method, having students review the information outside of
the classroom.
Create a simple survey using a web 2.o tool to access the effectiveness of the Thinklink.
Summary of Learning Activities:

Participants will review Thinglink examples. They will create a Thinglink to incorporate into their
daily lesson and matching a mathematical standard/concept. The Thinglink needs to provide
the students access to many resources including notes, videos, examples, and individual
practice. The link will be provided to students at the end of class and will be used a flipped
method allowing the students to review the concepts at home to maximize class time ( This
could also be used during individual instruction or as a remediation tool). Students will also
complete a simple survey, created by the participant, on how effect they felt this type of
instruction was.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

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