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Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing
B3 DL2
Listening to and understanding messages and descriptions
B3 DL2 E1
Able to identify main ideas and supporting details

B3 DL2 E1

Listen to the passage and answer the questions that follow. The text will be read/ played twice.
The scientist
Amelia is a scientist. She works in a laboratory at a university. She carries out scientific research
and experiments with a few other scientists. She also teaches psychology, a study of how the body works.
When Amelia was in school, she was very eager to find out how things work. She often asked her
teachers many questions. Asking questions helped her learn.
Amelia is good at connecting pieces of information. Her special ability helped to overcome
problems that she faced during her research work.
At the moment, Amelia is working in the laboratory in England with a team of other scientists.
They are trying to find out why some people with diabetes do not produce the insulin their bodies need
although they have the same cells as healthy people. The team members bring different information and
skills into the research work. They discuss their work regularly and everyone in the team shares new
ideas. All of them put in a lot of effort.
Adapted from : Topical English by

1. Amelias work is mainly related to

2. What does Amelia do at work?
3. What research work is Amelia doing at the moment?
4. What do the team of scientists and Amelia do when they meet?
5. All of them put in a lot of effort. This means that they ______very hard.

1. Science/Scientific research/Any acceptable answer

2. Research work/Experiments/Teaches psychology.
3. They are trying to find out why some people with diabetes do not produce the
insulin their bodies need although they have the same cells as healthy
4. They discuss their work.
5. Work.

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