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Waves crashed upon the boat. Some of them even reached the rails and
slopped over onto the deck, soaking everyones bare feet. Rain poured down on the
yellow hatted family aboard, dripping huge rain drops down their wet faces. Jaydon
looked up to the sky, but only saw the dark grey clouds above them. Not only
shadowing the ship but also shading the whole Pacific Ocean. He couldnt stare up
to long before water drops filled his eyes. Rubbing his eyes with the side of his fists,
he started walking cautiously to his mom and step dad. Suddenly something large
and heavy hit him in the head. Next thing he knew the rest of his new family were
all getting into life boats together. Jaydon was in one that his mom and step brother
were getting into but it rapidly floated away with only a hurt 12 year old boy, scared
and worried.
The sound of waves awoke Jaydon. A deflated life boat lay beside him. He
looked around to find he wasnt floating anymore, but on a sandy island with a little
patch of forested area in the middle. His back was sore from floating all night and
his head throbbed. So many regrets ran through his jumbled mind. He tried to get
up but his knees buckled allowing him to fall to the scratchy sand, frustrated he let
out an ear piercing scream. Then he lay there thinking about what he should do
After a long time of laying on the beach, Jaydon got up and walked around,
and stayed on his feet this time. He felt better now that he had taken the time to
think everything through. Water and food were at the top of his listen shelter. The
last thing he needed to worry about was getting back, he decided. For all he knew
he could be there for days, weeks, months and the worst part was he was all alone.
Heading for the forest he turned back, looked out at the blank open ocean. Nothing
was there but the beastly waves that had brought him here. No boats, no
helicopters, no birds. Nothing at all. Alone he stood there waiting for something to
happen, or someone to tell him what to do.
Kailey awoke to see her other siblings beside her, Daxton and Christen. Her
brain shuffled around memories from the night before. Kailey? Daxton and
Christen said symmetrically. What? Kailey asked. Where are we? Christen asked
And wheres Jaydon? Daxton added. I dont know where we are, I dont know
where Jaydon is and I dont know what to do. Kailey said, a little bit angry. They all
looked around and saw a very sandy island and on the side there was a cliff sort of
thing. I think we need to go find food, water and Jaydon. Ok lets go! Christen
said with enthusiasm, as she usually did. All at once they got up to go find food,
water, Jaydon and possibly a way home.
Jaydon turned around and raced up the beach, sprinting faster than he had
ever run in his life. He looked throughout the forest as he ran by. All that he saw was
trees, bushes and more trees and bushes. Thoughts of never getting back, always
alone, me myself and I flashed through his head. Nothing could stop him, he
wouldnt give in and he definitely would get back home. He kept running, getting
faster every second, his bare feet spraying sand behind him. As he reached the
forest his legs came to an abrupt stop, almost knocking him over. But his heart was

pumping at a hasty speed, allowing him to hear his own pulse. Jaydon looked inside
the dark brush, not letting himself get frightened. It was dark and scary, but he still
mustered up all the courage he could and stepped into the forest. He had only took
two steps when he heard a rushing sound, he was sure it was a water. It was just
what he needed, so he followed the wonderful sound of water.

Kailey led her two younger siblings down the forest line hoping they would
run into Jaydon or find tracks from him. Suddenly Kailey came to a rapid stop
because there was a fast flowing river going in there path strait into the ocean.
How do we get to the other side? Christen asked I think we should go into the
forest and see if the river gets any shallower or slower. Daxton suggested. Ok we
can try, but only after we take a drink from this. It looks pretty clean. Kailey said
nervously. So they went into the forest and hiked through the low brush hoping the
river would get easier to cross. Watch out! Christen yelled. WHOA! Kailey
screamed. DONT MOVE! Daxton yelled from the back. Right in front of them was
the river, bigger than before and ten times as fast. I guess we have to go back and
go across by the beach. Kailey said shouting over the sound of the river. Lets get
going! Christen said enthusiastically, as she usually did trying to keep them

His legs collapsed, Jaydons knees soaking up mud. He put his hands in the
water and scooped it into his mouth. Coolness filled his body, and his parched throat
stung with relief. The water wasnt running to fast, so he stuck his head under the
water. It wasnt too long before he had to catch his breath and keep going to find his
siblings. Jaydon got up and brushed his knees off, but the mud had already
absorbed into his skin. He got up and starting trekking back onto the beach,
because he was sure he had gone through the whole forest. It was small. He
thought to himself. So he went back to the beach and started walking, his bare feet
spitting sand behind him. Suddenly he heard some rustling in the bushes up ahead.
Stopping he looked in and yelled as load as he could. HELP!

Do you hear that? Christen asked Kailey.

No, what do you hear? Kailey said.
Never mind. Christen said, still wondering what that noise was. She and her
other siblings kept walking down the beach. Then Kailey heard it. It sounded like a
faint cry of help. She was sure it was a shriek of help from a boy. Sudden shock
shivered through her body.
Guys, I think Jaydons on the island with us!
What do you mean? Daxton asked
Dont you hear it? Were getting closer and the sound is getting louder. Im
sure it was the sound Christen heard. Kailey said

Yeah, I hear it now! Daxton excitedly said.

Come on follow me! Kailey screamed
They all sprinted down the beach but Kailey was too fast for them. She had
turned the corner and fell to her knees in disbelief. She landed on a sharp rock. Pain
spread through her knee, but she ignored the terrible pain. When the two younger
ones reached Kailey
JAYDON! all three of them said simultaneously.
Hey guys, what should we do now that we are together? Jaydon said. He
had never felt this way about them. Maybe they werent so bad after all.
Well its getting close to night so I think we should try to make a fire and a
Ok me and Daxton can make the shelter and you two can try to make a fire.
Jaydon demanded.
Yeah that sounds good. Christen said.
Lets get to it! Daxton insisted. They split up into their two little groups and
started planning what they would be doing.
First I think we should get a big pile of those fallen over bamboo. Jaydon
discussed with his brother Daxton.
Ok sounds good! Daxton said. Then the two boys rushed into the forest and
each grabbed a log.
Hey, Dax these are even that heavy! Jaydon stated to Daxton.
Yeah they looked really heavy, but they arent. Daxton said. So they went
on and lugged a whole bunch of bamboo logs onto the sand.

Christen you get dry twigs and sticks while I try to find a way to start this.
Kailey told Christen. They both walked over to the forest and picked up twigs.
Christen watched Daxton and Jaydon as they lugged fallen over bamboo logs back
to a spot they had picked out.

It hadnt even been five minutes when all four pf them stopped and dropped
what they were doing and looked to the sky.
Quick get the fire going! Jaydon screamed to Kailey and Christen.
Ok but well need your help! Kailey yelled back.
Dax you get leaves to create smoke, Christen go spell HELP on the sand.
Then me and Kailey will make a signal fire! Jaydon commanded to everyone.

Shouldnt I be telling everyone what to do? After all I am the oldest! Kailey
shrieked at Jaydon.
Do you want to get their attention or not? Because you sure dont seem like
you want to! Id be glad to leave you on the island if it was my choice! Jaydon
yelled back defending himself.
Fine! You make this yourself! Kailey screamed and darted off into the woods
and sat down beside a tree. This is how it had always been, they never got along
and were always fighting. But mostly Jaydon and Kailey. By then all four Dax and
Christen were standing where they had been fighting. Christen ran off to go comfort
Kailey while Daxton helped with starting a fire.
Quick rub these together! Jaydon told Daxton. Daxtons hands rapidly
moved back and forth rubbing a stick against an open bamboo log. His hands
started to get raw but he kept going. Beside him on his stomach was Jaydon who
was blowing creating a small cloud of smoke. Blood dripped from Daxtons raw
hands when he looked down to see a gash in his hand and a flame nipped at his
WE DID IT! Daxton yelled and jumped from the squatting position he was
in. Jaydon laid a couple of leaves and twigs on top. BOOM! Giant flames shot up, but
the chopper had already flown by.
COME ON! Jaydon yelled in anger
Wait! Kailey said, while Jaydon turned around in disbelief. Usually it took
days for her to talk to him after they fought. Look! Its turning around to save us!
Kailey wailed.
WAHOOO! They all screamed with glee, as they jumped together in a
huddle. Then the chopper was back in sight and heading downwards. It then began
to hover 20 feet above the ground, making the girls hair blow around them.
Then the pilot leaned a microphone out the window and yelled. GET INTO
THE FOREST! Daxtons hand throbbed from the deep cup the bamboo gave him.
Once they were in the woods the helicopter landed and they saw their parents hop
MOM! Jaydon hollered.
DAD! Kailey, Christen and Daxton screamed.
Dax is your hand ok? Daxtons dad Jason asked.
Yeah its fine. Daxton said to his dad.
Hey guys how would you like a ride on a chopper? Jaydons mom Brook
YEAH! AWESOME! The two boys said. Excitement filled Jaydons body as he
jumped up and pumped his closed hand into the air.

How about you girls? You didnt seem so happy about it. Brook asked.
I guess, if it gets us home. The two girls said. The pilot stepped out and told
them they needed to get on. They all told their

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