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Board Summary

Class: VI
Subject: Social Studies
Expected answers:
1. One is green and another is yellow.
2. The most common reason that plants'
leaves turn yellow is because of moisture
stress, which can be from either over
watering or under watering
Different bugs like different plants, and if
leaves are turning yellow, some bugs on
the plant causing this to happen.
Another reason plant leaves are turning
yellow could be a lack of sunlight
3. Plants provide food to people and
animals, regulate the water cycle, create
oxygen and provide a habitat for other
species. Without plants, life on Earth
would not be sustainable for most species,
including humans

Factors Affecting Agricultural

Provide three suggestions to the

Government of Pakistan to improve the
agricultural sector in light of the factors
that affect farming

Contingency Plan

If time is less I will ask the students to complete application part at home.

If the time is left , then I will ask the students to draw an imaginary farm and write names of two mechanization use in
the farm.

Work Sheet
Name: ________________________
Using this concept map write different techniques of farming use in Pakistan

Date: __________________________

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