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If you do not have a doctor, contact your

If you have a major medical condition,

before traveling to one of the affected

nearest healthcare center or the



Talk to your healthcare provider

Surveillance Unit of the Department


Public Health for advice. Tell the doctor

to see if is advisable at least 4-6 weeks

about your symptoms and recent travel.

before your trip. Your healthcare provider

Stay home from work or school until you

can provide any vaccines or medicines you

feel better or until a doctor says it is okay.


will need for your trip. You can take other

..' I'N'\'IIf:~

precautions to reduce your risk of illness

and injury:


Be up-to-date



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on routine immunizations,

including a yearly flu shot.

Try to avoid the most crowded areas, or
areas without enough exits.

Always know where emergency exits and

medical facilities are.
Avoid gatherings where political or
religious fervor, as these could promote
violent behaviors.

ReceritrY?~: ' "-

If you have recently traveled to the Middle East
or came into someone who has travelled
recently to one of the affected area and have
experienced any of the mentioned


please contact the Surveillance Unit of the


of Public Health at 242-502-4790

What to do if you become Sick

If you develop a fever with cough or difficulty
breathing within 14 days after traveling from

Health Education Division

countries in the Arabian Peninsula or

Ministry of Health
P. O. Box N-3729
Telephone: (242) 322-1187 or 322-1025


countries, you should call your

doctor or healthcare provider and mention

your recent travel as soon as possible. This
may help you to feel better soon and also
help protect your family and friends from
becoming sick.

Fax: (242) 328-0079

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Reviewed: June 2015

David L. Horn, MD, FACP

What is Middle East respiratory syndrome

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is
a severe respiratory condition

caused by a

specific virus. The virus is most often found

to countries in and near the Arabian

Recently there has been an outbreak of

MERS-C:oV, ih Countries of: The Americas:

Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, United


Kinqdorrt' Africa: Algeria, Tunisia. Asia:


The virus is spread through close contact

Currently, no specific treatments for MERS

with infected people. It spreads most often

available. Supportive care will be given to help

among those who live with or are caring for

relieve symptoms and decrease discomfort.

people with current infection.

How is MERS-CoV diagnosed?

To help reduce your chance of getting any

Your doctor or healthcare provider will ask you

virus, take these steps:

Wash your hands often with soap and water

about your symptoms and medical history. A

US, Europe: Austria, France, Germany,


How is M ERS-CoV spread?


China, Rep,u,blic 'qf Korea, fylalaysia,


physical exam will be done.

for 20 seconds, and help young children do

Let your doctor know about any recent travel

the same. If soap and water are not

available, use an alcohol-based hand

to countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula,


especially if the travel occurred within ..~r..~;.:p,a,st

14 days.

Philippines. Those J~s~t~re' in or near the

Arabian Peninsula: Ba,hrain, Iraq, Iran, Israel,

Also let your doctor or healthcare provider

Jordan; K,\,lI(yClit,
Lebanon, Egypt, Oman,

know if you have had contact with someone

Palestinian territories:

who is ill, and who has recently travelled to

Qatar, Saudi A'rabia,

Syria, United Arab Emirates, The West Bank

and Yemen.
' ,

countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula.

Your bodily fluids may be tested to confirm

The MERS Virus can be fatal and presents

the source of the infection. This can be done

symptoms similar to Pneumonia or Severe


Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and is

A sputum test


Blood tests, or a

through close contact with

infected persons.

then throw the tissue in the trash or use

your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
with unwashed hands.
Avoid personal contact such as kissing or
sharing cups or eating utensils with sick
Clean and disinfect frequently
such as toys and doorknobs.

used objects

Chest X-Ray.

Symptoms of MERS may include:

Fever with or without

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue


Can a person be infected with the MERS

virus and not be ill?

Difficulty breathing

Yes. Persons with no symptoms were found to

So far, there are no reports of anyone in The

Cough and/or sore throat

have MERS-CoV.

Bahamas getting infected with MERS-CoV.

It is difficult to identify persons with

However, due to ease of travel to countries

MERS-CoV early, as the early symptoms are

It is for this reason, local health

where it is found it is advised that it may enter

Muscle pain
Nausea and vomiting
Chest pain
Nasal congestion

care facilities have standard infection

prevention and control practices in place for
all infectious diseases.

our country.
How can I help protect myself?
Follow the tips mentioned

to help prevent

respi ratory ill nesses.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

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